White Mage is pretty complicated in terms of lore compatibility, though the 2.x plot for learning it is less restrictive than the 1.x one -- which is not to say that it's something as readily repeatable as, say, the Summoner plot (where you just go beat up the egi of a Primal to whose energies you were attuned).
As I recall, while one of the Padjal in the first 2.x White Mage quest is set against you learning that art, the other takes a more pragmatic approach. On that basis, I think it's reasonably plausible to say that there's some disagreement among the Padjal with regards to restricting White Magic given recent events in the world, and so you may have learned it from one with a more progressive point of view. Also, knowledge is hard to keep hidden, and so one could, I suppose, be taught White Magic on the sly from someone who knows it already. After all, Eorzea's a big place, and the Padjal can't very well strip every rogue White Mage of their power (assuming they can strip anyone of their power; threats can be hollow, after all). Finally, there's nothing saying you couldn't independently discover or stumble across those spells. IMO, as long as you have a narrative reason to explain how you got your knowledge of White Magic, you're in good shape.
As I recall, while one of the Padjal in the first 2.x White Mage quest is set against you learning that art, the other takes a more pragmatic approach. On that basis, I think it's reasonably plausible to say that there's some disagreement among the Padjal with regards to restricting White Magic given recent events in the world, and so you may have learned it from one with a more progressive point of view. Also, knowledge is hard to keep hidden, and so one could, I suppose, be taught White Magic on the sly from someone who knows it already. After all, Eorzea's a big place, and the Padjal can't very well strip every rogue White Mage of their power (assuming they can strip anyone of their power; threats can be hollow, after all). Finally, there's nothing saying you couldn't independently discover or stumble across those spells. IMO, as long as you have a narrative reason to explain how you got your knowledge of White Magic, you're in good shape.
The Freelance Wizard
Quality RP at low, low prices!
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Quality RP at low, low prices!
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