I have asked a friend who has a White Mage and she told me the questline is very insistant about the player being the ONLY one. So, yes, it is canon that the Padjal aren't teaching, at least as far as the quest is concerned. But I insist in that it makes no sense to support that when the developers allows every Dick and Harry to be one.
What is frankly silly is restricting player choice for the sake of the lore when the gameplay mechanics specifically contradict it (by having a ton of White Mage players and by giving players White Mage skills). You are asking people to not use skills granted to them by the game. This is not reasonable.
Can runs be done without those skills? Probably. But that's not the point: the point is that you are asking people to cull their tool repertoire. Their only option is to either do a gameplay segregation (as in, any action they take in the run itself isn't an actual IC action) or to consider the lore is bollocks and use one of the alternatives (that they are White Mages after all for X reason).
I choose that the lore is bollocks because the existence of every in-character White Mage contradicts it. And I prefer to have many potential interactions with those characters than to have none. Because that's what accepting this particular bit of lore does: it asks me to reject all player characters who are White Mages and who "do not have a very good reason", when we should be asking them to just have consistency and coherency. But how can we ask them to have coherency with this bit of lore when the lore isn't coherent nor compatible in any shape with roleplaying on a massive scale? Hell, not even Squee is consistent about it: the website tidbit (which, let's say it, holds less authority than in-game lore) contradicts what is implied by the game.
Simply put, if something isn't supposed to be achievable by hundreds of people, then it shouldn't be available as gameplay (in an MMO) unless there's a hardcoded cap on it. But that is a different can of worms.
Quote:You're telling me that not being able to use Regen, Holy, Divine Seal, Benediction, and Presence of Mind would completely prevent IC runs? Because that's, quite frankly, silly.
What is frankly silly is restricting player choice for the sake of the lore when the gameplay mechanics specifically contradict it (by having a ton of White Mage players and by giving players White Mage skills). You are asking people to not use skills granted to them by the game. This is not reasonable.
Can runs be done without those skills? Probably. But that's not the point: the point is that you are asking people to cull their tool repertoire. Their only option is to either do a gameplay segregation (as in, any action they take in the run itself isn't an actual IC action) or to consider the lore is bollocks and use one of the alternatives (that they are White Mages after all for X reason).
I choose that the lore is bollocks because the existence of every in-character White Mage contradicts it. And I prefer to have many potential interactions with those characters than to have none. Because that's what accepting this particular bit of lore does: it asks me to reject all player characters who are White Mages and who "do not have a very good reason", when we should be asking them to just have consistency and coherency. But how can we ask them to have coherency with this bit of lore when the lore isn't coherent nor compatible in any shape with roleplaying on a massive scale? Hell, not even Squee is consistent about it: the website tidbit (which, let's say it, holds less authority than in-game lore) contradicts what is implied by the game.
Simply put, if something isn't supposed to be achievable by hundreds of people, then it shouldn't be available as gameplay (in an MMO) unless there's a hardcoded cap on it. But that is a different can of worms.