(01-16-2014, 06:31 AM)ansemaru Wrote: Also, maybe this is just the impression I'm getting, but are the elementals even remotely a force of good in the world? They're certainly something, but they only appear to have their own best interest at heart, and I'm kind of baffled that people treat them as something that needs to be appeased and obeyed rather than an overt threat like Primals.
Funny you should mention that. My character is currently pondering whether eliminating or otherwise neutralizing the elementals of the Shroud would be a net positive for the world. In her mind, if the elementals are interfering with the learning of magicks that could potentially save Eorzea from Primals and the Garleans (as she's heard in rumour), they've got to go -- they're implicitly aiding the forces of Evil. Of course there's no way the War of the Magi could be repeated if those magicks got out, because modern Eorzeans are just plain better people.
Of course, she keeps this opinion to herself.
From an OOC standpoint, Gridanians likely view the elementals as protectors and benefactors, even now. Pre-Calamity, they did a pretty good job of protecting the city from outside threats, and all they asked for in return was living in harmony with the forest -- which is something Gridanians probably wanted to do anyway due to the culture. Post-Calamity, the elementals don't seem to be so capable of keeping up their end of the bargain (poachers everywhere in the South Shroud, a Castrum in the East Shroud, Ala Mhigan refugees showing up, Ramuh being summoned, Ixal pouring into the North Shroud, etc.), but there's quite a history there that's unlikely to be wiped out in 5 years. It makes sense to me that, even if the wrath of the forest is substantially reduced except in particular circumstances, Gridanians would still maintain their beliefs about it and still take special care to avoid provoking it.
EDIT: I'm being bad and straying off topic. To the OP's question, I think Sounsyy has covered most of the viable approaches. I personally think the most plausible is "taught by another White Mage for some reason;" I would caution against going with playing a Padjal or an elemental, because for many RPers, that's a bridge too far as you're asking them to accept playing something that can't be played in game. Another possible option is "uncovered the keys to White Magic yourself," though I believe that strays away from lore since the elementals, according to those who've done more of the WHM quest line than I, directly control access to the underlying power source.
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