(01-16-2014, 06:48 AM)ansemaru Wrote: If everyone is content to judge the Primals and beast tribes from a human perspective, I see no problem in judging the elementals from a human perspective. And from a human perspective, they've been an active threat to pretty much all sentient life in that region of Eorzea for centuries. Just because they can be held back by constant appeasement doesn't mean they should be- their behavior seems less like that of a benevolent protector and more on par with a monster demanding its needs be put above those of the individuals it lives near. If the Greenwrath weren't such of a threat, would anybody actually put in the effort to meet the demands and standards of the elementals?
Probably not, but you have to remember that the Shroud is theirs - not ours. Â We're living in the Shroud on their good graces. Â They're allowing people to live in their home. Â So we're tenets, as it were, and have guidelines we're supposed to follow.
The problem with judging the Elementals by human standards is that they're not human, and never will be. Â It'd be like judging a mountain lion by human standards. Â It doesn't work.