(01-21-2014, 11:09 AM)Seriphyn Wrote: Necroing a bit, saw three free paladin RPers in the same room just now. I wonder if one could argue a 'devaluation' of the paladin tradition since it seems very common in-character?You could argue that, but it seems clear that free paladins are not held to the standard of Sultansworn. It's like the difference between someone who took a first aid class, and a paramedic. I see free paladin as an aspect of a character, but it doesn't have to define them. Sultansworn imo, should define a character, (my character sometimes refers to herself a "dog of the sultanate") and really limits how they can act.
Also the whole point of free paladins is to have lots of trained people that Ul'dah can call in in an emergency, sort of like military reservists. Having many of them around seems to mean the program is working.