(01-22-2014, 02:47 PM)LiadansWhisper Wrote: Don't forget that there's a lot of cross-class skills. Â But how I would handle it is...this book helps me cast spells that I sometimes (or often) flub. Â Takes me longer, because I have to look them up and sloooooowly read out the incantations. Â They usually work. Â You know, when they don't singe the hair off of everyone around me. Â I SWEAR THIS TIME NOTHING WILL EXPLODE, OK?
I think Liadan hit the nail on the head, there, if you want to play the class IC. Â Personally, I only level up the melee classes for the ability to mix and match my gear. Â IC, my character is strictly a spell-caster.
If you plan to RP out the classes that you level, though, I think what you have is sufficient to keep from entering the Mary Sue complex. Â She's not immediately good at it, she doesn't whip it out and auto-win, nothing like that. Â The way you currently have also allows for many luls to be had when she tries to cast spells, and the occasionally lucky "... I did that? Â " moment.