The techniques one learns to use say a sword are often inapplicable when using other weapons.. or even different types of sword(You wouldn't use Kendo with a rapier!)
IRL magical traditions are all about having proper impliments for certain types of magic so why not take the game as it is? It takes the Right tools and proper setup to use a particular set of magic, you cannot just fling around Thaumturgy/Black magic while wielding an arcanist's grimoire, the book's patterns do not match up for others.
So I generally hold that in whatever scene a character is in they are in one class, that it takes some time and effort to swap over clothing, equipment and atheric pattern a character might be a Cnj one day and a black mage the next but they shouldn't be both at the same time.
IRL magical traditions are all about having proper impliments for certain types of magic so why not take the game as it is? It takes the Right tools and proper setup to use a particular set of magic, you cannot just fling around Thaumturgy/Black magic while wielding an arcanist's grimoire, the book's patterns do not match up for others.
So I generally hold that in whatever scene a character is in they are in one class, that it takes some time and effort to swap over clothing, equipment and atheric pattern a character might be a Cnj one day and a black mage the next but they shouldn't be both at the same time.