Lots of good insight and ideas here. Thank you all for the input.
Not that it's particularly important to anyone, but I've decided that if I have Rakka'li go down this route that it will be through an elemental ala the 1.0 plot, as I'm much more comfortable with inventing a character of little import to others than I am of asserting there is even some tenuous connection between Rakka'li and the Padjal through some unnamed pupil.
Not that it's particularly important to anyone, but I've decided that if I have Rakka'li go down this route that it will be through an elemental ala the 1.0 plot, as I'm much more comfortable with inventing a character of little import to others than I am of asserting there is even some tenuous connection between Rakka'li and the Padjal through some unnamed pupil.