The tabard is actually white with a blue stripe covering the shoulders and the neck.
I find it very curious that Squee placed the Brass Blade uniform in Wanderer's Palace but forgot to put in game the uniforms of the other law enforcement organizations.
Today I checked the Board and bought a bunch of stuff to see if I could replicate the paladin common-wear. I'm sure nobody will be surprised that I failed miserably. The actual models are in game, but they can't match the Sultansworn armor thanks to having only one dye channel.
The closests options I found were the Cotton Tabard (undyeable black parts on the shoulders) and the Hempen Tabard (that has undyeable black sleeves). At least they are low level (16 and 5 respectively) so you can look kinda-sorta like a paladin early on if you want. The boots (Sollerets) are an even bigger problem because all of them dye weirdly, leaving the leather bits untouched in brown, whereas the ones the NPCs wear are blue. So we are all screwed on that part.
The gauntlets they use are in game and the correct parts are dyeable: Cobalt Vambraces. Just dye them blue and nobody will tell the difference.
All of this could be fixed if Squee had implemented two dye channels instead of one, or if they had made dungeon armor dyeable. The Hopilte/Explorer Tabard from AK and related dungeons could then be basically the same armor but with reversed colors (blue tabard and white stripe). It would not look exactly the same, but it would have the correct colors.
I find it very curious that Squee placed the Brass Blade uniform in Wanderer's Palace but forgot to put in game the uniforms of the other law enforcement organizations.
Today I checked the Board and bought a bunch of stuff to see if I could replicate the paladin common-wear. I'm sure nobody will be surprised that I failed miserably. The actual models are in game, but they can't match the Sultansworn armor thanks to having only one dye channel.
The closests options I found were the Cotton Tabard (undyeable black parts on the shoulders) and the Hempen Tabard (that has undyeable black sleeves). At least they are low level (16 and 5 respectively) so you can look kinda-sorta like a paladin early on if you want. The boots (Sollerets) are an even bigger problem because all of them dye weirdly, leaving the leather bits untouched in brown, whereas the ones the NPCs wear are blue. So we are all screwed on that part.
The gauntlets they use are in game and the correct parts are dyeable: Cobalt Vambraces. Just dye them blue and nobody will tell the difference.
All of this could be fixed if Squee had implemented two dye channels instead of one, or if they had made dungeon armor dyeable. The Hopilte/Explorer Tabard from AK and related dungeons could then be basically the same armor but with reversed colors (blue tabard and white stripe). It would not look exactly the same, but it would have the correct colors.