(02-12-2014, 01:48 PM)Aysun Wrote: That is... very bold.
I'm not sure how a primal could be devoted to your character (??), but now that they're tempered they're certainly devoted to the primal. Their life revolves around finding ways to summon that primal. Their very purpose is to do that, and get others to as well.
Please keep in mind that if people find out (and it is rather obvious when someone is tempered..), execution is the treatment for those who are tempered. For the good of Eorzea.
-Mentally: How strong is the devotion of a tempered, does it vary between primal?
Does not seem to vary at all. It is complete commitment and servitude to that primal and summoning them.
-Magically: Every tempered tribe with a primal seems to gain strength from that primal's element in a way non-tempered tribes don't. For example, unlike all other sylphs and lizardmen, the brotherhood of ash and little solace do not seem to have lightining/fire control. Is that elemental proficiency a boon of the primal? Or is it just a coincidence.
The Brotherhood of Ash and the sylphs of Little Solace are not tempered, so that is why you see the discrepancy.
-Communication: Tempered are often spoken of as hearing the will of the one that tempered them, can primals and tempered communicate through some special means?
I don't think it's communication so much as the primal exerting their will on the tempered person. They're not going to have a chat with the primal. They're going to do what it wants, and it wants crystals to be summoned with, and more people to temper, by any means necessary.
This is not directly true, plenty of primals are shown to not care about tempering large groups of people. In fact Ifrit, and Garuda seem to be the only ones that do. Ramuh and Titan for example, both only seem to care about protecting their groups. It's why a group of people without the Echo could actually kill titan, because he didn't want to temper them.
I think it's clear in the lore that every primal is different, and tempers mortals for different reasons and to accomplish different goals. In fact there is fairly strong evidence for the idea that the twelve, as well as Hydalyn are varients of primals, and that the Echo merely represents that you were tempered by Hydalyn before a primal could get to you.
Edit: On another note, at the end of the Amal beast tribe quests, several tempered people are shown to be allowed to live out their lives. So while the Scions do immediately kill tempered, that's not a universal punishment. In fact it might be a policy unique to the Scions themselves.