(02-12-2014, 12:21 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: -Mentally: How strong is the devotion of a tempered, does it vary between primal?Realized I derped and put the responses in the quote box. My answers are italicized.
Fanatical. There is no variation between any of the primals. Once someone is tempered, every action, and every waking moment is for their primal. Mental degree with how much they rant and rave varies of course, as seen with the Brotherhood of Ash questline. On both ends of the spectrum
-Magically: Every tempered tribe with a primal seems to gain strength from that primal's element in a way non-tempered tribes don't. For example, unlike all other sylphs and lizardmen, the brotherhood of ash and little solace do not seem to have lightining/fire control. Is that elemental proficiency a boon of the primal? Or is it just a coincidence.
They do gain some measure of power from the Primal via magic. This is stated rather blatantly during the various dailies of the Brotherhood of Ash with woes of "Undeserved power" being used against them and that the Brotherhood are shamed that the tempered can use this "borrowed power" to such heights. This power is also amplified by various sources, such as the altars in Zanr'ak and Zahar'ak. In theory, this power may also be trained for further and greater use.
-Communication: Tempered are often spoken of as hearing the will of the one that tempered them, can primals and tempered communicate through some special means?
It's written exactly as it is on the tin. The Primals do speak and whisper to them in their moments of life, and are constantly in the mind of the tempered. It's quite clear that certain tempered are given various tasks, such as the infiltrators that sneak into towns and lure others to gain followers, priests who perform rites to strengthen the bonds of followers with their primal, and militia who defend the homeland. Different whispers and voices are heard depending on the task given to them. It's assumed that the tasks given to the followers are given through word of mouth from the devout, whether that be a high priest, or directly from the primal itself. The primals seem to choose this on their own, as seen with the White Raven and the Beast tribe questline.
Though it may appear that some tempered are more 'sane', none of them truly are. They will fight, breathe, eat, and die for their primal. Defeat in any form is not only a shame, but impossible to comprehend. They're all equally devoted, from the newly converted to the one that brought the primal onto their race in the first place.
As for Odin being able to temper, Oroban, he does not temper. In the fate battle with him, he blatantly states that he has no need for servants. He possibly could, but his thirst for vengeance and battle leaves no room for tempered.
Also, Aysun, you do not -need- the echo to fight primals. There are various tools that a band of adventurers used (they're currently retired in Costa Del Sol, or a Nunh for the U Tribe, or other places) that are clearly not tempered, and was used to nullify the tempering from Leviathan/Titan. It's unknown whether these tools are lost, as the lore didn't cover it. I assume none are being created since in the legacy version of the MSQ, there has been a large amount of Echo users as of late.