(02-13-2014, 08:58 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: The being in question, who is tangentially related to primals, but not exactly one, is as devoted to my char, as my char was to her. What happens when the primal's will is for you to be independent and happy?
If you're like the Tempered NPCs we see, you'll twist that underlying principle into service of the Primal. (If you're familiar with Vampire: the Masquerade, Tempering is similar in some ways to Blood Bond; IRL, it's closest to being a member of a niche, destructive religious cult, I suppose.) So, you'll refuse direction from anyone and actively seek to harm those who tell you what to do -- that's independence. You'll try to get all your friends Tempered so they can see the truth that you do -- that's happiness. Anything that impacts your happiness is a threat to be destroyed.
The Tempered, at least as the game presents them through NPCs, are zealots. They may be sane, calculating, mustache-twirling, or bleed psychos, but they're all absolutely devoted, above all else, to the service of their Primal and the principle it represents. That tends to come out in twisted ways (constant war in the case of the Amalj'aa, kidnapping their kin in the case of the Sylphs, etc.).
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