Like the OP, I consider mounts part of my character, so the ones I use ICly have specific reasons and stories. For instance, L'yhta's magitek armor is something she stole and has been working to reliably convert to Aetheric (as opposed to ceruleum) drive. She prefers it to her chocobo (Shera, a gift from her former master) because it's a big middle finger to the Garleans, because it doesn't care about extreme weather conditions, and because she doesn't have to worry about it getting hurt. She'll ride Shera from time to time, though, particularly around La Noscea when the weather's nice.
On the flip side, while I have the coeurl and ahriman mounts, I don't RP her as having either one. A coeurl doesn't make a lot of sense for her, and as she despises voidsent and seeks to eliminate them from reality, an ahriman mount would be totally out of character for her. She once saw someone riding around on one IC and it sent her into quite a tizzy in the Mysterium LS.
On the flip side, while I have the coeurl and ahriman mounts, I don't RP her as having either one. A coeurl doesn't make a lot of sense for her, and as she despises voidsent and seeks to eliminate them from reality, an ahriman mount would be totally out of character for her. She once saw someone riding around on one IC and it sent her into quite a tizzy in the Mysterium LS.
The Freelance Wizard
Quality RP at low, low prices!
((about me | about L'yhta Mahre | L'yhta's desk | about Mysterium, the Ivory Tower: a heavy RP society of mages))
Quality RP at low, low prices!
((about me | about L'yhta Mahre | L'yhta's desk | about Mysterium, the Ivory Tower: a heavy RP society of mages))