(02-25-2014, 12:02 AM)Heroshi Wrote: Which City-State is more fitting for a Paladin? I'm outright assuming Ul-dah for obvious reasons but I'd still like to know if otherwise. (Paladins in the general, stereotypical sense, not the whole Sultansworn gig) By this I mean, the whole peaceful area type of thing.
Can play a Free Paladin anywhere really. Obviously if you're going Sultansworn type of Paladin you're pretty much limited to Ul'dah. You'll find a lot of Paladins there. But Free Paladins do not swear allegiance to the Sultana and are free to roam wherever. So you can have your character in any of the cities.Â
As for cities fitting with the whole honor and peace and protector archetype of stereotypical paladins, you won't really find it in Eorzea. While other Fantasy settings have one or more cities in which everything is grand and there's established laws and ethics and such, you'll find in Eorzea that it's a very savage land and that each of the city-states has a great many problems. As a Lawful Good you'll find yourself quite busy.
(02-25-2014, 12:02 AM)Heroshi Wrote: Aaanndd this is just a general question about the games atmosphere in general, Gridania is considered the prime Hyur city, yes? Maybe this would sway me to start in said area then upon 10/15 travel to unlock gladiator considering I'd rather play as that asap!
Well, part of the lore of the Hyur is that they migrated to Eorzea about 1000 years ago and in great numbers. So they're found commonly in every city-state. There's no Hyur specific city, so to speak. Unless you're counting Ala Mhigo, which is predominantly made up of Highlander Hyur. But Ala Mhigo was wiped out 20 years ago by the Garlean Empire. Can definitely have your character from there? But for the three main city-states, racial distribution pretty much comes out like this:
Grid: Wildwood & Duskwight Elezen, Midlander Hyur with some Highlander Hyur, and Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te.
Ul'dah: Dunesfolk Lalafell, Highlander & Midlander Hyur, Hellsguard Roegadyn, and some Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te.
Limsa: Sea Wolf Roegadyn, Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te, Plainsfolk Lalafell, Midlander Hyur.
(02-25-2014, 12:02 AM)Heroshi Wrote: Sum up the grand companies goals for me I suppose? Do any of the have the goal/some prime goal of just uniting everyone?
Kinda answered this on your other thread, but I'll give an answer here. The original formation of the Grand Companies symbolized the union between the warring city-states during their time of need. Now, separately, each of these Grand Companies only function to serve the needs of their respective city-state. They are most definitely all allies and sometimes extend a helping hand to the neighboring nation, but ultimately, each GC only serves to further their own agenda.