I was levelling my then-main (Moon-keeper MNK) through Coerthas and I realised I loved the setting. Then from there I started thinking about making a character native to that area. I hadn't gotten into FFXIV's RP scene at that point and Ishgardian lore really caught my attention. By the time I'd finished questing there I had thought up an entire concept. Then Crisiet was born!
I had intended him to be a side alt for me to switch to when I wanted to wind down, but I got so into both his class (DRG) and the ideas I had for his personality and backstory that he quickly became my main. Funnily he shares a surname with an Ishgardian NPC in Whitebrim, which was a complete accident.
His personality is similar to that of a character from writing I've done in the past. Means well, kind of a snarky jerk sometimes. Crisiet is a little bit friendlier than this other character though. Just a little.
I had intended him to be a side alt for me to switch to when I wanted to wind down, but I got so into both his class (DRG) and the ideas I had for his personality and backstory that he quickly became my main. Funnily he shares a surname with an Ishgardian NPC in Whitebrim, which was a complete accident.
His personality is similar to that of a character from writing I've done in the past. Means well, kind of a snarky jerk sometimes. Crisiet is a little bit friendlier than this other character though. Just a little.