Warrior is just as viable as Paladin in endgame content. Warrior also brings many valuable things to the table, and mixes up your party composition as to not prevent proper LB building.
Our group generally runs WAR(Myself), PLD, WHM, SCH, BLM, BLM, BRD, DRG. Only turn we mix that up on is 2, as I go MNK, one of the healers goes PLD, and one of the BLM goes healer. Anyways.
If I had to pin the biggest perk of Warrior, it'd be Storm's Path. A passive 10% damage reduction on enemies is a damn-near must have for late endgame. When I'm tanking Twintania, it means instead of being hit for 8k by that Death Sentence before CDs, it's only gonna slap me for 7.2, and that could very well save my life.
That being said, Paladin and Warrior play significantly different. Warrior does do a decent chunk more damage than Paladin, and there is a sort of rotation to optimize, even when tanking. This post would be much longer than I'd like it to be if I started to get into rotations and the like, though, so I'll save that.
Paladin is very much reactive. You have set cooldowns, and you use them appropriately. That's it. Warrior, on the other hand, is much more proactive. You work to sort of control when your CDs will be ready (Namely inner beast, as it's your main defensive CD), and use them at the appropriate timing as to make use of IB's short uptime.
Hands down, Warrior is more difficult to play. Paladin you just do your 1-2-3 and cycle cooldowns. Warrior has a bit more management to it, which is why I enjoy it more.
It's a tiny bit sped up, but here's a video of a Twintania kill from my Warrior's perspective. Just to sort of give an example of what late game Warrior gameplay looks like. While I won't disagree with the "OT" mindset, as I do OT for half of the fight, I do actually end up MTing her at the end for our strat because of a handful of reasons. Namely letting our PLD run off to stunlock dreadnaughts.
I've a mess of other warrior PoV videos on my channel, but I figure that about covers it for the most part. Warrior is the funner tank IMO, and while harder to play, is 100% viable in tanking anything. If a Warrior can tank the hardest boss in the game without issue, well, that about sums up it's viability. :>
Our group generally runs WAR(Myself), PLD, WHM, SCH, BLM, BLM, BRD, DRG. Only turn we mix that up on is 2, as I go MNK, one of the healers goes PLD, and one of the BLM goes healer. Anyways.
If I had to pin the biggest perk of Warrior, it'd be Storm's Path. A passive 10% damage reduction on enemies is a damn-near must have for late endgame. When I'm tanking Twintania, it means instead of being hit for 8k by that Death Sentence before CDs, it's only gonna slap me for 7.2, and that could very well save my life.
That being said, Paladin and Warrior play significantly different. Warrior does do a decent chunk more damage than Paladin, and there is a sort of rotation to optimize, even when tanking. This post would be much longer than I'd like it to be if I started to get into rotations and the like, though, so I'll save that.
Paladin is very much reactive. You have set cooldowns, and you use them appropriately. That's it. Warrior, on the other hand, is much more proactive. You work to sort of control when your CDs will be ready (Namely inner beast, as it's your main defensive CD), and use them at the appropriate timing as to make use of IB's short uptime.
Hands down, Warrior is more difficult to play. Paladin you just do your 1-2-3 and cycle cooldowns. Warrior has a bit more management to it, which is why I enjoy it more.
It's a tiny bit sped up, but here's a video of a Twintania kill from my Warrior's perspective. Just to sort of give an example of what late game Warrior gameplay looks like. While I won't disagree with the "OT" mindset, as I do OT for half of the fight, I do actually end up MTing her at the end for our strat because of a handful of reasons. Namely letting our PLD run off to stunlock dreadnaughts.
I've a mess of other warrior PoV videos on my channel, but I figure that about covers it for the most part. Warrior is the funner tank IMO, and while harder to play, is 100% viable in tanking anything. If a Warrior can tank the hardest boss in the game without issue, well, that about sums up it's viability. :>