Hey! Welcome back!
To be honest, I don't think there's any animosity on the Mysterium side of the fence, for what it's worth. And if you like, feel free to poke me to set up some RP; L'yhta was wondering the last night where some of her old friends had gotten off to.
To be honest, I don't think there's any animosity on the Mysterium side of the fence, for what it's worth. And if you like, feel free to poke me to set up some RP; L'yhta was wondering the last night where some of her old friends had gotten off to.
The Freelance Wizard
Quality RP at low, low prices!
((about me | about L'yhta Mahre | L'yhta's desk | about Mysterium, the Ivory Tower: a heavy RP society of mages))
Quality RP at low, low prices!
((about me | about L'yhta Mahre | L'yhta's desk | about Mysterium, the Ivory Tower: a heavy RP society of mages))