You're not going to get many replies if you're only appealing to the nice people here. I'll do my best to spur interest with this response and encourage all of the super mean people to say hello as well.
Welcome to the RPC. We're glad to have you. There's a pretty solid community of people here. We may not all be nice, but we're good people. We're also always on the lookout for fresh mea... uh... people to ea... uh... have for din... I mean, RP. We're not cannibals, I swear. Say, do you like pepper?
Welcome to the RPC. We're glad to have you. There's a pretty solid community of people here. We may not all be nice, but we're good people. We're also always on the lookout for fresh mea... uh... people to ea... uh... have for din... I mean, RP. We're not cannibals, I swear. Say, do you like pepper?