My boyfriend haaaated the intro so much, so I kept making up lame excuses to force him to watch it until it took over his mind.
The one thing that annoyed me about it was how they apparently needed someone standing back telling the healers when to heal. It was like, bitch, if you waited for someone to tell you when to heal and what heal to use at endgame in most games with raids, people would be dead. Any healing team that can't work that out for themselves needs more help than some glorified strategist can give. (self, it's just an anime, gosh)
(we had a healing chat channel that I implemented in my last guild where we'd make fun of the tanks and dps. . .turned into one of those jokes -- WE'RE NOT PLOTTING YOUR IMMINENT DEATH, NOT AT ALL. They trusted us to keep them alive. . .mostly.)
Log Horizon made me want to raid again so bad.
My boyfriend haaaated the intro so much, so I kept making up lame excuses to force him to watch it until it took over his mind.
The one thing that annoyed me about it was how they apparently needed someone standing back telling the healers when to heal. It was like, bitch, if you waited for someone to tell you when to heal and what heal to use at endgame in most games with raids, people would be dead. Any healing team that can't work that out for themselves needs more help than some glorified strategist can give. (self, it's just an anime, gosh)
(we had a healing chat channel that I implemented in my last guild where we'd make fun of the tanks and dps. . .turned into one of those jokes -- WE'RE NOT PLOTTING YOUR IMMINENT DEATH, NOT AT ALL. They trusted us to keep them alive. . .mostly.)
Log Horizon made me want to raid again so bad.