(04-05-2014, 02:22 AM)rl_icewolf Wrote: Hey everyone, I am new to this site and am just returning to RPing after having not done any for a long long time. I am currently on Cactuar and am wanting to transfer to one of the two RPing servers (from what I read I am leaning towards Gilgamesh, but am open to suggestions). I figure I will just use the Welcome Desk Template and if anyone thinks I should add more I am open to anything extra.
--MMORPG background
I have played many of the popular mmo's out there as well as a few MUDs, I haven't RPed too much since back around the vanilla WoW days, and since then only DMing a few D&D campaigns.
--RP experience
I have RPed in smaller groups mostly across a few games never with too large of over-involved plot lines sadly(in any PC game). I have put together several moderately well received campaigns for D&D but have never been a PC in one. I should also mention for awhile I did a fair amount of Chat Room RPing and pure one on one RPing.
--Character ideas/info
I have a general idea of how I want to lay out my character, but want to learn more of the world before I elaborate too much on it.
--How did you learn about the coalition?
Was looking into what servers are good for RPing!
--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?
I believe the freelance describes me the best as of right now. I am interested in participating in all of the different levels depending on how well I mesh with any current groups.
--Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)
Web Developer, no school thank goodness heh, I am generally a very open person so feel free to ask anything, and I usually enjoy helping people. Beyond that feel free to ask anything you want. oh suppose I should add the standard I am a male, 27 years old, living in Utah.
Welcome to the party bro. I started on Cactuar myself at launch and headed to Balmung asap. Have fun.