Hi everyone! I'm a longtime forum lurker (since before ARR was released actually!) and finally created an account to get involved with you all! I came to Balmung on the day the server transfers opened from Ragnarok where I was since B3/B4 but couldn't get onto Balmung or Gilgamesh at that point
--MMORPG background
I'm a longtime player of Final Fantasy XI (2003 until 2013) with occasional breaks, this was my first MMO. I tried WoW at one point but I really didn't enjoy it and quit after about two days.
--RP experience
I've been dabbling in RP here and there since coming to Balmung, probably come across several of you :O
--Character ideas/info
Avalt is a bit of a strange duck, currently acting as a consultant to the Flame Yataghan unit. He's an on again/off again user of magic, and somewhat shy in large groups!
--How did you learn about the coalition?
Google I think
--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?
I float somewhere between Medium and heavy, only really RPing with my LS/FC but really want to branch out?
--Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)
I reside in the UK, working as an emergency services operator so I speak to some verrrry interesting people at times! Formerly a Tech Support for Virgin Mobile!