I tend to have a thick skin about this sort of thing so apologies in advance if my response isn't quite what you're looking for. Â It is one of the major differences between who I am and who my character is. Â But my thought is that maybe there's a solution therein... Â that is, perhaps if your character is averse to that sort of language or might react in some way as to mitigate it.
Eva as a motherly sort has often grudgingly endured a lot of the foul language. I don't think she's openly "called anyone down" for it, but I also don't think she's been subjected to it to the same degree that you're describing, and I think that might push her past her threshold. I don't participate much in that sort of RP (though I might branch out a bit soon to see what I am missing) so it's hard for me to fathom how she might react, but leaving is always an option. While OOC I could probably endure the senseless string of cursing, I can't see my character abiding it IC and she'd probably be forced to leave if it persisted past a sensible level. So I suppose the outcome is the same there, if for entirely opposite reasons.
I'm always looking for IC ways to accomplish this sort of thing though. As others have pointed out, a little foul language here and there adds flair. Eva herself hardly ever curses, so the one or two times it has happened it's kind of made other characters [that know her] stop and stare in shock or w/e. And in that way it's kind of a powerful thing.
But it seems to me that if a character is dropping the C word (or F-bombs or w/e curses) left and right for no good reason, wouldn't other characters kind of step in and call this character down for it, like in-character? "Dude, what's the matter with you, there's ladies present." "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" etc.
I think there might be an opportunity to deal with an IC situation in an IC manner. But if it continued to persist on after that, it might not be an IC thing and at that point I'd question whether it's some form of harrassment (particularly if others are asking for a stop to it, ICly or OOCly) and should probably be reported. I hope that makes sense.
I might have to check out the Quicksands one of these days though, just to see what I've been missing and possibly put on a stern face and waggle a finger at some hooligan's antics.Â
Eva as a motherly sort has often grudgingly endured a lot of the foul language. I don't think she's openly "called anyone down" for it, but I also don't think she's been subjected to it to the same degree that you're describing, and I think that might push her past her threshold. I don't participate much in that sort of RP (though I might branch out a bit soon to see what I am missing) so it's hard for me to fathom how she might react, but leaving is always an option. While OOC I could probably endure the senseless string of cursing, I can't see my character abiding it IC and she'd probably be forced to leave if it persisted past a sensible level. So I suppose the outcome is the same there, if for entirely opposite reasons.
I'm always looking for IC ways to accomplish this sort of thing though. As others have pointed out, a little foul language here and there adds flair. Eva herself hardly ever curses, so the one or two times it has happened it's kind of made other characters [that know her] stop and stare in shock or w/e. And in that way it's kind of a powerful thing.
But it seems to me that if a character is dropping the C word (or F-bombs or w/e curses) left and right for no good reason, wouldn't other characters kind of step in and call this character down for it, like in-character? "Dude, what's the matter with you, there's ladies present." "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" etc.
I think there might be an opportunity to deal with an IC situation in an IC manner. But if it continued to persist on after that, it might not be an IC thing and at that point I'd question whether it's some form of harrassment (particularly if others are asking for a stop to it, ICly or OOCly) and should probably be reported. I hope that makes sense.
I might have to check out the Quicksands one of these days though, just to see what I've been missing and possibly put on a stern face and waggle a finger at some hooligan's antics.Â
"One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others." Â ~ Lewis Carol
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