(04-09-2014, 03:18 PM)yic17Â Wrote: Hi there!I haven't had much issue, to be honest, doing things with the group because I'm a higher level. Open-world fighting, I have the option to just sit and auto-attack, play support by taking on non-related links or heal, or I have the option to switch to a class that's closer to the pacekeeper's level and participate in the fight without overpowering the situation (yes, Kara sometimes gets frustrated, throws her bow, and starts punching things. She also runs out of arrows!).
Okay, I understand. So ... will it be difficult to RP in the case when one person is @ level 16 while another is @ 40? Or do you guys generally have no problem with it? :o
When you say "run alongside the pacekeeper" ... does this mean a higher level character can participate/replay events that they have already gone through? I imagine it would only work for dungeons right? Not story events as well?
Good to know about lower level characters too since that will be me in the beginning .... =P
Phased fights (when you enter the little private one-person instanced events) can be a bit tricky to handle, but for those who have already done the event we just take cues from those who are currently doing them, and react to their RP and descriptions.
For example, at level 10, there is a fight with a monster. At the time "Team Ul'dah" went to do it, I was level 30-ish, AND (due to me starting my character as an Archer) had done the Gridania variant OOCly. Â
The character that was the pacekeeper for the Ul'dah storyline went in, and transcribed the event into /ls for me and the other member of Team Ul'dah to see what was going on. The pacekeeper did the technical fight, but myself and the other member RP'd into /ls as if we were still there.Â
My character (at the time) had just learned to be a miner, so I RP'd her going into the fight swinging a pickaxe. In reality, I was just standing there picking on Spriggans to pass the time until the pacekeeper came back into phase, and we just continued on from there.
Other MSQ's that just involve running around talking to people or we're sent to go fetch items for one reason or another, the pacekeeper again transcribes the NPC text into /ls and we react to it. It takes a little bit more imagination for those who have already done the quests, and a bit more work for the pacekeeper because part of their job involves so much extra typing, but it works for us.
Dungeons are probably the one that's going to give us an issue, now that we're reaching that point. Up until mid/late 40's, all dungeons are 4-player content. I imagine that if we go to do one and we have eight people, we'll just split into two groups and 'split' the content in the dungeon (OOC'ly, maybe one team takes bosses 1 and 3, other team takes bosses 2 and 4, and then we just hang around until both teams are on the final boss and run that at the same time). If we have more than four players but less than eight, we would prioritize the team that goes in for people who are on the same content as the pacekeeper, and those who have already cleared and don't go in just, again, react to the events described in /ls. Some who already cleared the content might use it as an opportunity to go and do something else.
... Written all out, it sounds kind of complicated. But in actual practice it's fairly easy. For those of us who have already cleared content, it's a lot like RPing in a text-based MUD.