What used to be a tidy room was now in disarray. Discarded mugs of what used to be filled with ale were strewn about. A chair upturned with its legs in the air, one of them even broken.
In the middle of it all stood a trembling and shaking Miqo'te. Kage was wracking his mind as to what he could offer Jameson Taeros. He had no idea of what his motivations were. What did he actually want when he helped maneuver them into being suspended from the Sultansworn to being a Brass Blade. What did Miss Banurein have to do with any of it if anything really at all? Was Melkire just playing Kage for a fool, set on hanging Natalie?
A low growl emanated from his chest as he remembered.
"...I want her to hang..."
If Melkire thought that Kage would let that happen than the man was sorely mistaken.
"Tired? Of what? Of living?" "Maybe."
If Natalie thought he would let her just die or waste away, he wouldn't let that happen. He'd take her far away from Ul'dah before that happened. Now that Roen was free from the oppressive Ul'dahn environment and it was just the two Miqo'te, Kage would not let anyone take Natalie away. Not Melkire. Not Taeros. No one.
Anything. Everything.
In the middle of it all stood a trembling and shaking Miqo'te. Kage was wracking his mind as to what he could offer Jameson Taeros. He had no idea of what his motivations were. What did he actually want when he helped maneuver them into being suspended from the Sultansworn to being a Brass Blade. What did Miss Banurein have to do with any of it if anything really at all? Was Melkire just playing Kage for a fool, set on hanging Natalie?
A low growl emanated from his chest as he remembered.
"...I want her to hang..."
If Melkire thought that Kage would let that happen than the man was sorely mistaken.
"Tired? Of what? Of living?" "Maybe."
If Natalie thought he would let her just die or waste away, he wouldn't let that happen. He'd take her far away from Ul'dah before that happened. Now that Roen was free from the oppressive Ul'dahn environment and it was just the two Miqo'te, Kage would not let anyone take Natalie away. Not Melkire. Not Taeros. No one.
Anything. Everything.