The trail to Dragonhead was far more forgiving than anything either of them had faced in their trip. The sky was clear and the weather as fair as Coerthas could offer, and their time was as good as a traveler could hope for. A brief stop to rest their mounts was all the animals required and as the sun crept behind the mountains off in the distance, the warm glow of Dragonhead's aetheryte welcomed them.
Warren made sure to secure their chocobos with the porter and insured their fares were caught up on before the duo found themselves in the center of the encampment. The Aetheryte, and beyond that Ul'dah, waited atop the small set of stairs.
"I should check in on Victory again before I go. If you wanted to head back, I can follow up later. If he's well I'll likely be riding him back to Ul'dah. He doesn't take well to being thrown through the aether."
Warren made sure to secure their chocobos with the porter and insured their fares were caught up on before the duo found themselves in the center of the encampment. The Aetheryte, and beyond that Ul'dah, waited atop the small set of stairs.
"I should check in on Victory again before I go. If you wanted to head back, I can follow up later. If he's well I'll likely be riding him back to Ul'dah. He doesn't take well to being thrown through the aether."