(07-25-2014, 08:40 AM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote: Personally, I'd like to know how a Garlean civilian would act like. Who's to say they even really know what's going on if they aren't associated with the military."One's tempted to believe that all of Murgodom is deliberately ugly, and then one comes across a room like this."
"I suspect that the ugliness was to satisfy Ctuchik - and Taur Urgas." Garion replied. "Underneath, Murgos probably aren't much different from the rest of us."
Brador laughed. "That sort of thinking is considered heresy in Mal Zeth." he said.
"The people in Val Alorn feel much the same way."
... I'm worried I'm about to open a can of worms, but I can hope that people won't go on a political/historical rampage, right?
... Right?
Anyways. I'd imagine it wouldn't be too different from how civilian Germans were during WWII -- some were all for it, others weren't pleased but they went with it because they were seeing some/hoping for some benefits and/or were afraid of opposing and getting in trouble, and others were obviously against it.