Alexei released Askier and limped back to his seat. Sitting down, he cocked his head to one side. "Vas not avare of hugging etiquette, should-." He stopped speaking for a moment and leaned back in his chair. "Is joke, da?"
The tea was still hot as he sipped it again. "Should not concern self vith blood ties. Mean nothing. Am son of alcoholic father who let drink drive him to failure. Am nothing like man, his flaws are not mine, his virtues are not mine. Am own man." He set his cup back down. "Have younger sister, vas good hearted. Hope still is. Ties to me do not taint her. Everything terrible have done does not make her less good. You are the same. Are own person." He shut his eyes and rubbed his left temple gently with his fingers. After a moment he reopened them and looked at Askier with what was almost a warm look.
"Vanted to apologize for causes distress few days ago. Just like to make people avare of all possible outcomes so nothing comes as surprise. Am sometimes forgetting that you care. Is not something am used to." He offered Askier a half smile.
"Have favor to ask." He gets up and moves over to his cot, coming back a moment later with a letter. "Vhen conditioning does fail, could please deliver to Momodi? She vill know who to give to."
The tea was still hot as he sipped it again. "Should not concern self vith blood ties. Mean nothing. Am son of alcoholic father who let drink drive him to failure. Am nothing like man, his flaws are not mine, his virtues are not mine. Am own man." He set his cup back down. "Have younger sister, vas good hearted. Hope still is. Ties to me do not taint her. Everything terrible have done does not make her less good. You are the same. Are own person." He shut his eyes and rubbed his left temple gently with his fingers. After a moment he reopened them and looked at Askier with what was almost a warm look.
"Vanted to apologize for causes distress few days ago. Just like to make people avare of all possible outcomes so nothing comes as surprise. Am sometimes forgetting that you care. Is not something am used to." He offered Askier a half smile.
"Have favor to ask." He gets up and moves over to his cot, coming back a moment later with a letter. "Vhen conditioning does fail, could please deliver to Momodi? She vill know who to give to."