(12-27-2013, 05:38 AM)Rickter Wrote: Well its apparent we all have different ideas about what the life spans of the races are!Â
I just want to know what is considered "young" or "Old" for a race.
i attributed shorter life spans to mi'qote due to their feline "properties" (i figured cats have shorter lives than humans right?)
Now that i think about it, Lalafell should have relatively shorter lifespans as well if we want to get detailed. Real Life midgets dont live as long as normal sized humans because of the stress they experience having to adapt to the world with their size. its the same concept that left handed people live shorter than right handed people. but then again, lalfell have their society built around their size so the inconveniences that a midget in our world may experience, a lalafell in Hydaelyn may not.
Elezen is the typical Elf race so i gave them longer life spans by default but now that i think about it, do Elezen fall into the typical elvish lore of being hte oldest and wisest race in the world?Â
i suppose the developers just hadnt really thought about this part of the lore.
And Apes have shorter life spans than humans. The whole Feline thing is a red herring. Â Hobbits outlived most manner of men except those who had the blood of Numanor. Gnomes and Dwarves also regularly outlive the human types. Mithra from FF 11 didn't age at all.
But lets instead look at the game. The black mage quests have a Lalafell who spent 90 years in a dungeon.. he does not look like an old man. The pugelist quests have an hyur age while his Roe Nemesis hasn't seemed to.
So What I assume is Hyur and Miqote are the shortest lived. Elezen in the middle with Roe and Lalas surviving the longest