I would like some thoughts on which server is the best or preferred non-official RP go to. Your arguments can be bias or not, but I would appreciate people's thoughts on which server (Balmung or Gilgamesh) is the most RP, PVE, and Progression intensive, that have individuals who want to help one another and are altruistic in nature. I enjoy PVP too, but that is neither here nor there, so really this is just an independent clause: come at me bro.
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Yo dog I hurd you rike RP? |
RE: Yo dog I hurd you rike RP? |
10-29-2014, 05:57 PM
You may want to peruse this thread, which while somewhat out of date is still largely accurate.
The Freelance Wizard
Quality RP at low, low prices! ((about me | about L'yhta Mahre | L'yhta's desk | about Mysterium, the Ivory Tower: a heavy RP society of mages)) |
RE: Yo dog I hurd you rike RP? |
10-29-2014, 06:25 PM
Hello and welcome! I recommend Balmung, unless you prefer a smaller and more intimate community such as Gilgamesh.
RE: Yo dog I hurd you rike RP? |
10-29-2014, 08:49 PM
If you go to the Quicksand during up-times in Balmung, it's full to the brim with RPers. I peeked in the Quicksand during the same time on Gilgamesh. Ghost town. Unless the hub is elsewhere, which is quite possibly the case.
RE: Yo dog I hurd you rike RP? |
10-29-2014, 11:59 PM
I have a favor to ask anyone who is on Balmung: please create the following name on the server for 1 week: Brolleun (B R O L L E U N) Hunter, as I'd like to rename my character when I transfer him. No, I did not make my decision based solely on what two individuals said, and am still thinking things through, but with the server restrictions I am unable to make a character with a name on Balmung (I got Gilgamesh yesterday by pure luck when it was lifted).
Sincerely, Artigan |
RE: Yo dog I hurd you rike RP? |
10-30-2014, 01:06 AM
Gilgameshians don't really post on this website as much as much of the content usually gets eaten up by Balmung posts which is a damn shame, but ah well! *shrugs* what can you do? (this is by the way not any shape or form an attack or trying to offend anyone!) Both servers have their perks!
I prefer Gilgamesh, simply because it is a smaller community, It is easier to keep track of posts, who you know, who knows you and a lot more seems to fly with our community, having all ranges of RP-ers. What Gilgamesh shines in the most is light hearted events. You want to cause chaos and oblivion in a funny matter? Go ahead! You want to break into other's houses and party hardy, while trying to hide from the law and beat up Scooby-doo style villains? Yes please! We are a withdrawn community, but that is because (from what others tell me, though I have not experienced it or tend to just ignore it on my part!) we recieve a lot of trolling on events and open RP, because of this we have withdrawn to the housing areas and many RP-FCs are located in the Goblet Ward 3 as well as talk a lot in the Adventurer's Guild LS and Sellsword LS, both are worth a good look at for anybody who is willing to join our little band of heroes and villians! Hope this helps your decision! |
RE: Yo dog I hurd you rike RP? |
10-30-2014, 03:51 AM
As a whole, Balmung offers a wide range of options for people interested in the 'full game experience.'
((I cannot speak for Gilgamesh, as I am a Balmungian)) I, for one, am a Hard core RPer presently in one of the top 5-7 raiding guilds on the server. (we vary in standings around that range). I am also one of the three leaders of a small Hard core RP guild. But several within my raiding guild state they are RPers- or have RPed in the past... or are interested in it. No one in it has been heard to down RPers at all in FC chat... which is impressive to me. Now, I am not 'in deep' with the overall RP community of Balmung. I am much more of a 'shoot from the hip, situational RPer with storyline participation/development' type and prefer small groups to large mobs... so cannot speak to the quality of that, but I can assure you, there is no lacking of quantity of RP on Balmung. And... if one was to base the RP Quality on the forum postings and story hooks posted here, I'd say Balmung rocks that too. Of those RPers I've met here, most have been really awesome folks. Of those non-Rpers I've met IG, most seem to be pretty tolerant of RPers overall. Early on in the game, seemed to be a LOT more trolls and griefers. I... just haven't encountered many in a long, long time now. I am pretty constantly hearing RP going on in spacial in the settlements, towns, cities... and even out in the world. Not all the RP is confined to the Quicksand or housing areas... and I hear there has also been a RP take over of the tavern on the Wolf pier (for PvP). Many of the guild and personal houses have been made to be RP hubs as well. And it seems most RPers are very welcoming to people 'coming up to RP with them' when they are RPing. So... RP wise, you should be able to find some. Endgame, we have that too... Lots of groups looking for X primal runs, Coils, and so on. Vibrant, active Hunting Linkshell to help you get those Marks. LOTS of Free Companies hunting for new members of all sorts. People seem helpful to new folks to the game. Not sure what else to say... Just this: Make a toon on both Gilga and Balmung... and see which one you mesh best with. Either way, you can find connections here on the RPG. Good luck! |
RE: Yo dog I hurd you rike RP? |
10-30-2014, 05:02 AM
I appreciate the commits and would like to hear from more, so please give me your opinions ladies and gents.
RE: Yo dog I hurd you rike RP? |
10-30-2014, 06:05 AM
Hello! I made a Brolleun Hunter on Balmung for you and went to make one on Gilgamesh as well, but it looks like there already is one, so someone else has you covered there. Let me know (probably by PM) if you want me to delete the character so you can keep the name .
As for the servers, I think everyone here has summed things up pretty accurately. |
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