Are you tired from your long and grueling week pushing carts and slaying monsters? Did you get your ass handed to you at the Grindstone and now have sore muscles?
Then come to the Bronze Lake Hotsprings and soak those woes away! Come and sit in boiling water that will nearly burn you flesh off while helping ease the pain of your week! Come and drink, be merry, and gwak at the men and women in swimsuits!
OOC Info:
Sunday, Feb 22 at 4pm EST.
Hosting: No host. Just a get together for everyone to have fun for a few hours, but you will see Flyers as if someone was paid to put them up around the major cities *coughBriannacough* (Obviously the place is trying to get more business!)
Then come to the Bronze Lake Hotsprings and soak those woes away! Come and sit in boiling water that will nearly burn you flesh off while helping ease the pain of your week! Come and drink, be merry, and gwak at the men and women in swimsuits!
OOC Info:
Sunday, Feb 22 at 4pm EST.
Hosting: No host. Just a get together for everyone to have fun for a few hours, but you will see Flyers as if someone was paid to put them up around the major cities *coughBriannacough* (Obviously the place is trying to get more business!)
- Drinks are all Icly free and passed out by Hotspring staff or you can hit up the bar.
- Clothes are required! No skinny dipping!
- No diving in to the Hotsprings- menders need days off too you know!