(02-25-2016, 01:17 AM)Sounsyy Wrote: Now, interesting sidenote and tangent on golem magicks... Amberscale Rock and several of the amber statues which at one point were the hallmark of Gelmorran architecture were known to remove powerful magical enchantments, including and most pertinently, golem soulstones. Which begs the interesting question, why did the Gelmorrans surround their city entrances and dot the forest with these amber statues? Was it to protect against golems which still lay about from the previous era? Perhaps more importantly, why do the elementals want the statues removed so badly? The amber doesn't seem to affect the elementals, because there are elementals living in Amberscale Rock. Who knows. Answers only lead to more questions.
Are you referring to the leve in Quarrymill where the Hearer tells you to break down all the stone structures that are Gelmorran?