Aye, and with the possibility of server transfers a few weeks after launch it's always a good idea to keep an open mind. While I can certainly see the draw to a brand new server, that novelty may wear off in time and switching to another server to change things up will definitely be an option, but only if that's how you feel at that time. As much as I want more Duskwight friends I'm not trying to twist anyone's arm! But it's just something to consider down the road perhaps.
To kind of bring the thread back on topic a little bit [or at least help guide it away from ye olde server debacle], I was thinking about something earlier that I'd posted in another thread awhile back pertaining to the enhanced sense of hearing and cave lifestyle.
I don't know how other Duskwights RP the hearing thing exactly, but pertaining to Eva, she has a harder time picking out one voice in crowded areas or where there's a lot of background noise. Trying to endure this long enough will eventually result in her getting a headache. Moreover anything really high-pitched, or shrill will also aggravate her, particularly if it's enduring. For awhile there were a couple of aetherite nodes that were purple (where most of the rest were blue) - such as the one to get to the Bowl of Embers from 1.0. Eva would get a headache if she remained around it for more than just a few minutes because of the noise.
I've heard others suggest that duskwights might have better night vision than the other races/clans, but I've seen nothing in the lore to really substantiate this other than the assumption that their eyesight might have adapted over a long period of time for low light conditions. Without anything directly referenced I've been hesitant to make any sort of assumption about her ability to see in the dark. She does suffer a minor case of hyperopia (farsightedness) enough such that she requires spectacles to read - which she does a lot. It's another of those things she's self-conscious about. Her father from the age of 30 or so suffered photophobia, having to wear shaded spectacles when going outdoors (and later in his life even indoors as well). I'm not sure if there's any lore basis for this or if it's even a duskwight thing or something specific to him, but it seemed worth making mention of as well. He would get terrible headaches after even only a few minutes of exposure to daylight - even on an overcast day.
That crossed my mind earlier today and I figured I'd throw it out there.
Another thing I've wondered - do you suppose we experience sunburn more easily than other clans? Given the paleness of her skin, I once stated after she moved to Ul'dah that she got a really bad sunburn, but this got me thinking about how even those duskwights with darker gray skin might face exposure to the sun.
Also any other interesting medical angles or conditions you think we might face as a result of being a duskwight?
To kind of bring the thread back on topic a little bit [or at least help guide it away from ye olde server debacle], I was thinking about something earlier that I'd posted in another thread awhile back pertaining to the enhanced sense of hearing and cave lifestyle.
I don't know how other Duskwights RP the hearing thing exactly, but pertaining to Eva, she has a harder time picking out one voice in crowded areas or where there's a lot of background noise. Trying to endure this long enough will eventually result in her getting a headache. Moreover anything really high-pitched, or shrill will also aggravate her, particularly if it's enduring. For awhile there were a couple of aetherite nodes that were purple (where most of the rest were blue) - such as the one to get to the Bowl of Embers from 1.0. Eva would get a headache if she remained around it for more than just a few minutes because of the noise.
I've heard others suggest that duskwights might have better night vision than the other races/clans, but I've seen nothing in the lore to really substantiate this other than the assumption that their eyesight might have adapted over a long period of time for low light conditions. Without anything directly referenced I've been hesitant to make any sort of assumption about her ability to see in the dark. She does suffer a minor case of hyperopia (farsightedness) enough such that she requires spectacles to read - which she does a lot. It's another of those things she's self-conscious about. Her father from the age of 30 or so suffered photophobia, having to wear shaded spectacles when going outdoors (and later in his life even indoors as well). I'm not sure if there's any lore basis for this or if it's even a duskwight thing or something specific to him, but it seemed worth making mention of as well. He would get terrible headaches after even only a few minutes of exposure to daylight - even on an overcast day.
That crossed my mind earlier today and I figured I'd throw it out there.
Another thing I've wondered - do you suppose we experience sunburn more easily than other clans? Given the paleness of her skin, I once stated after she moved to Ul'dah that she got a really bad sunburn, but this got me thinking about how even those duskwights with darker gray skin might face exposure to the sun.
Also any other interesting medical angles or conditions you think we might face as a result of being a duskwight?
"One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others." Â ~ Lewis Carol
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