We don't know what state the overall changes to quest / leve rewards and crafting supplies will leave the economy in. Raw mat supply is going up, there will be an influx of more gil from the dungeon changes and leve rewards, tomestone costs for philo crafts are going down.
Squeenix's mistake was gating all the cost in the initial land purchase. They should've staggered it out for QoL services once you got your land - instead of making it a flat 200mil for the lot, they should've made it 50 mil for the lot, 50 mil for airship garage, 50 mil for retainer / market board / GC / teleport / NPC stores accessibility, and so on.
Squeenix's mistake was gating all the cost in the initial land purchase. They should've staggered it out for QoL services once you got your land - instead of making it a flat 200mil for the lot, they should've made it 50 mil for the lot, 50 mil for airship garage, 50 mil for retainer / market board / GC / teleport / NPC stores accessibility, and so on.