- Characters:Jet'a Vann, Blue, Vincent Laucent, Chiara Foschiani, Dylise Rontremont, Kujh'a Lihzeh, Clive Stark, Valeria Idavoll
- Primary character:Jet'a Vann and Blue. Will play either depending on situations.
- Linkshells: Tales of Hydaelyn (IC stage linkpearl), Blue Pearl (OOC)
- Primary RP linkshell:Tales Of Hydaelyn.
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
Combat is RP combat to me. The consequences of a battle will be determined with a roll after the battle ends. If a character's HP drops to 0, the character owner will be free to decide whether to die or fall unconscious. If they don't die, the wounds from the KO should be determined by a dice roll, as well as the wounds of the winner (if the winner wins in critical conditions). White magic should be able to heal any wound that didn't imply the loss of limbs (that goes for eyes too), unless the character's owner decides otherwise. Raise spell can revive from death, but I think it should leave a scar where the character was struck. I do not consider HPing revivification unless the game provides me a good lore excuse for it: as of now, I consider HPing as a non-death, where your character passed out on the spot and his aether returned to the aetheryte the character is most attuned to, or was carried in town by an unknown stranger who then left him there.
- Views on IC romance:
I am open to romance for characters who don't have it planned out yet. However, I am too shy to RP intimate physical contact in general in front of other people, and ERP is a no-no even in private, though I am fine with "it happened" kinds of time skips. I also prefer to save romance RP with players I've been knowing ICly and OOCly for a while, rather than strangers that could reveal some bad surprise in terms of behavior in these circumstances.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
I mainly RP my characters' family as NPCs, however I will not reject other RPers requests to somehow have family bounds to my own if they first contact me OOC and show me what they have in mind and how well it would fit my and their history background.Â
- Views on lore:
I like to follow the game lore, but respect those who wish to blend it and make up new stuff, as sometimes, however little, I do too. However, I will not accept things that I feel to be far beyond the world we RP in, and if I'll happen to stumble on such a situation, I'll just find an IC excuse and walk away. That however doesn't mean that every time I'll walk away from you it means I'm disagreeing with your RP style. Ask me via tells OOCly if you have doubts, and I'll reply as politely as I can.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
I prefer to keep party chat for OOC talk, to organize actions and stuff. Tells are also an OOC tool I like, however can be used to RP whispers if there were the occurrences to do so. I do not like to RP tells as telepathy tool across the lands. Linkshell can be used ICly, as well as shouts, however I'd try to use it sparely in a world with non-RPing players. Haters will hate. My main RP channel will likely be /say. I use the Tales of Hydaleyn linkshell with my friends to RP things that I do not wish to share with the public, mostly story-related IC comments, as all my characters do RP the game story as taking place around them and every other adventurer who may wish so.
- Country:Italy
- Timezone:GMT+1/+2 depending on solar hour.
- Contact info: my outlook mail is [email protected], but you can also PM me here or contact in game as one of said characters.
~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~
Story Summaries!
To be an interesting, intriguing, well-written character, there needs to be something to allow the audience to relate to them. That is what the problem is with who wants their character to be "perfect". Perfect characters will never be strong, and strong characters will never be perfect, because WE (those who read, who watch, who RP) are not perfect.
"What makes a strong character is how they deal with their flaws, their fears, their turmoils, their troubles that get in the way. That's what makes them relatable." -- N.C.
"What makes a strong character is how they deal with their flaws, their fears, their turmoils, their troubles that get in the way. That's what makes them relatable." -- N.C.