(07-24-2014, 05:23 PM)Yune Wrote: Also to something you mentioned, Eva - Players are usually alright with unaffiliated people wandering the residential areas? I've thought of wandering a few times just to look at the effort people have put into their estates, but I always talk myself out of it for that feeling of not "belonging".We aren't always on-site, but we do use the place as a kind of hangout, and often train on the side yard. (Lavender Beds, Ward 1, Plot 15 - if you're ever interested or bored and want to see what we're up to). It's a small property (which we prefer) with individual rooms set up for those of the members who wished to sign up for that perk. The upstairs is set up like a lounge and the downstairs is a meeting room and office.
As a mercenary group, one of the facets is recruitment, so we're not turning folks away who are looking for honest work and stuff and "drive-bys" would seem natural. We get some non-RPers coming around just wanting to see the layout or whatever. But we have some members who have friends in other companies who visit. And it would make sense for prospective mercs to stop by to inquire (we did charity work before this and sort of earned a reputation ICly that way). That said, if folks from other companies had work for us, we're available in that capacity as well. In either case, the building is open to any who would want to take advantage of those services we offer. I envision most FC's with any sort of mission statement (e.g. not some kind of insular club or whatever) work in a similar fashion where prospective members and customers are welcome and encouraged.
The only thing that might ICly get you a hand slap (along with an OOC /tell explaining that it's only IC possibly!!) would be if you went downstairs to the meeting room or office, since that's usually reserved for company business.
TL;DR: Yes, we like visitors!!!!
"One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others." Â ~ Lewis Carol
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