Franz had taken to revisiting the ruins of Nym on multiple occasions now. Each time, a few more details studied. Possibly something new to learn. There was nothing quite like it anywhere else. Not that he was aware of.
As he sat on the ledge overlooking the floating ruins of a city long since destroyed, he flipped through the pages of his notebook. Mostly scribbled ideas or methods. Attempted geometries to reproduce the effects of the floating landmasses. No amount of Garlean pride could disinterest him.
Opening another book, one on more Allagan practices, there was something on spells for levitation, but nothing of how it was executed.
He simply sat in place, flipping through pages trying to find connections.
"Well if the Allags had done it..."
As he sat on the ledge overlooking the floating ruins of a city long since destroyed, he flipped through the pages of his notebook. Mostly scribbled ideas or methods. Attempted geometries to reproduce the effects of the floating landmasses. No amount of Garlean pride could disinterest him.
Opening another book, one on more Allagan practices, there was something on spells for levitation, but nothing of how it was executed.
He simply sat in place, flipping through pages trying to find connections.
"Well if the Allags had done it..."