Hey there! I'm Yuvah and I just dived into FFXIV only a little bit ago. I decided to peek around for RP servers after making a new character and found myself attracted to Balmung which is just hopping with activity! I'd like to get settled in with a free company and perhaps a linkshell in the future revolving around friendly people who like to RP and have all sorts of fun.
I'm somewhat overwhelmed by all the lore involved in this game but I intend to learn all of it before completely shaping my character although I do have a faint idea of her personality. I don't want to jump the gun and then have a lore breaking kitty girl after all.
I'm a hobby artist and run a forum and like to design forum skins even though rooting through coding is the worst sometimes. I am very fond of animation and I love watching animated cartoons and shows and movies for all the little details they put in.
I'm somewhat overwhelmed by all the lore involved in this game but I intend to learn all of it before completely shaping my character although I do have a faint idea of her personality. I don't want to jump the gun and then have a lore breaking kitty girl after all.
I'm a hobby artist and run a forum and like to design forum skins even though rooting through coding is the worst sometimes. I am very fond of animation and I love watching animated cartoons and shows and movies for all the little details they put in.