--MMORPG background
Dabbled in lots of the oldies, SWG, EQ/2, only two MMOs I really played at length was XI, due to enjoying the unique nature and story of it as a JRPG, and Planetside, because I've always been a fan of tactical gameplay in shooters. XI was the only game I ever reached endgame with, though I never found a group to really engage with regularly.
--RP experience
Hoo boy, lots of old forum RP, lots of chatroom RP, though in my years of not being in the types of communities for a while, I have become trite and repetitive in my posts. Still trying work on it, but it's always a slow process, eh?
--Character ideas/info
I mainly play Demitri, though when I originally joined Balmung, I played as Antares Omni, a female Roegadyn. I also have a few scattered one-off characters, but those are the two I have fleshed out more fully than any other.
Both are incredibly friendly, though Demitri tends not to approach others, and I feel odd making 'idling' posts, so I've sort of trapped myself into the void of hoping someone else might want to RP with me. So, if you were to see me, know that I'm super friendly and willing to RP anytime.
--How did you learn about the coalition?
Played for the first two months on Sargatanas, having moved for a few friends from Excalibur. Most of my friends quit the game, and the FC I was a member of quickly devolved into a pit of drama. I decided on a lark to join Balmung, learning about the RP community, and so far have made several friends and haven't looked back.
--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?
This is complicated for me, I enjoy heavy RP in that I prefer sticking to IC all the time. That said, I'm terrible at scheduled RP, and have an easier time working upon spontaneous RP. I tend to be a bit flighty, so while I am loyal to groups I join, I'm not always good at meetings and such. I'm also variable in group RP, and as such Demitri has a fear of crowds as a sort of IC defense mechanism to avoid such difficult RP situations.Â
I also tend to be a goof OOC a bit more than I mean to, and as a result might come across as a bit trollish to passerbys, though I certainly don't mean to be.
I'm pretty bad at introductions, and I've been on the server for a while, I have simply felt like I don't always come across as a good RPer, so I just want to put myself out there so I can figure out if I'm doing anything wrong!
Dabbled in lots of the oldies, SWG, EQ/2, only two MMOs I really played at length was XI, due to enjoying the unique nature and story of it as a JRPG, and Planetside, because I've always been a fan of tactical gameplay in shooters. XI was the only game I ever reached endgame with, though I never found a group to really engage with regularly.
--RP experience
Hoo boy, lots of old forum RP, lots of chatroom RP, though in my years of not being in the types of communities for a while, I have become trite and repetitive in my posts. Still trying work on it, but it's always a slow process, eh?
--Character ideas/info
I mainly play Demitri, though when I originally joined Balmung, I played as Antares Omni, a female Roegadyn. I also have a few scattered one-off characters, but those are the two I have fleshed out more fully than any other.
Both are incredibly friendly, though Demitri tends not to approach others, and I feel odd making 'idling' posts, so I've sort of trapped myself into the void of hoping someone else might want to RP with me. So, if you were to see me, know that I'm super friendly and willing to RP anytime.
--How did you learn about the coalition?
Played for the first two months on Sargatanas, having moved for a few friends from Excalibur. Most of my friends quit the game, and the FC I was a member of quickly devolved into a pit of drama. I decided on a lark to join Balmung, learning about the RP community, and so far have made several friends and haven't looked back.
--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?
This is complicated for me, I enjoy heavy RP in that I prefer sticking to IC all the time. That said, I'm terrible at scheduled RP, and have an easier time working upon spontaneous RP. I tend to be a bit flighty, so while I am loyal to groups I join, I'm not always good at meetings and such. I'm also variable in group RP, and as such Demitri has a fear of crowds as a sort of IC defense mechanism to avoid such difficult RP situations.Â
I also tend to be a goof OOC a bit more than I mean to, and as a result might come across as a bit trollish to passerbys, though I certainly don't mean to be.
I'm pretty bad at introductions, and I've been on the server for a while, I have simply felt like I don't always come across as a good RPer, so I just want to put myself out there so I can figure out if I'm doing anything wrong!