Hello everyone! I'm not usually using this site due to being a bit busy at times but now I thinks is a good time to express interest, seeing as how this is a great way to reach out to players and Free Companies, Linkshells, ect.
So! I recently posted a LS page for Gus's soon to open Piquant Pumpkin Café
A lot of details are there, but I want to express how I'd love to coincide with other Linkshells and Free Companies! I'm sure there are tavern's already set up and what-not, but what Gus here wants to do is have an annual event every Friday. This will include drinks, competitions, prizes, storytelling and news while providing a fun atmosphere for all players to participate with.
The Piquant Pumpkin itself is supposed to be at the Fisherman's Bottom 'officially' but I'd like to have the events play out in more then one place.
It will be moved every week to various locations and suggestion can be taken of course!
So, I'm advertising here OOCly as I do IC on the game everyday! Let's come together, get some fun events rolling, new business pacts and an overall welcoming feeling for adventurer's to have when returning home after a long trek into the wilderness of Hydalen.
What say you all? Let's bring spooky, good fun every Friday!
Also... imagine what will happen...on:
===Gus Pumpkinweed's Wiki ===