Bad things happen, it's a fact of life. People say that, but it doesn't make it any easier when it happens, does it? Sometimes you seethe quietly, sometimes you grumble to yourself, sometimes you want to shout your frustrations from the rooftops. And, at least for me, video games seem to cause some of the most interesting moments of personal rage. Second only, probably, to other motorists.
So welcome to the Vent Tent - a place where you can air grievances about bad things in FFXIV. Did you slog through Syrcus Tower with an alliance that seemed to have no idea what they're doing, only to low roll on that last sand you needed so you never had to come back again? Were you doing a map fight and lag decided to jump in and allowed the monster to casually curbstomp you while you banged angrily on your computer case in a desperate attempt to hurry up? Or maybe you just want to complain about those enemies 10 levels lower than you who always seem to aggro onto you when you're trying to do any of the dozens of quests that require you to channel something.
Now, please note, while this thread is a place for you to complain... I do want to set some ground rules.
1.) First and foremost, do not name names. In fact, if you think posting your grievances will start a flame war with someone else on the forum, don't do it. Or, if some otherworldly force compels you to post it anyway, make it as vague as possible. Say "the healer" did this or "the tank" did that, or that "the DPS" screwed up royally.
2.) Don't poke the bearbehemoth. Conversation over the events posted are fine, but if people start taking it personally or getting heated? Drop it and move on.
3.) This thread isn't for getting on your soapbox. Just venting. Talk about that one time the Ninja thought this was FFXI and tried to tank. Do not talk about how all Ninjas are dumb and SE made a mistake by implementing them.
This is probably a horrible thread idea, but I think people can bond over negative things just as much as positive things through understanding and support. So, let's give this a shot and hope it doesn't go down in flames too quickly, huh?
I'll start with two things I'd like to vent about. I'll give them goofy little titles because it seems more amusing to do so.
Lag Me with a Spoon!
I think my biggest issue with FFXIV is the horrid lag that seems to pop up without rhyme or reason these days. Before, you could reasonably guess that "Oh, it's around 8pm, I should probably avoid queuing for dungeons." Nowadays, it seems to pop up in just the right moments to kick you in the teeth.
To wit, I lost a couple Alexandrites thanks to Surprise Lag. Of course, I was being dumb by doing the maps solo... but I was a three man team all by myself! (Scholar in Cleric Stance, Fairy, DPS Chocobo) I could always breeze through all of them just fine, with only a couple that were a bit more obnoxious (Mythril Golem and the Cyclops). And, of course, these are the ones that always seem to be the ones I'm fighting when SUDDENLY LAG.
I'm so glad I'm done with that step on my main, you have no idea.
And, since I main healer on that guy, nothing upsets me more when the tank I'm trying to heal dies because the game decides to hiccup. One second everything's fine, then that heart-dropping pause, and suddenly your Warrior and Monk are dead and the boss is coming over to violently make friends with your molars. Oh, and your Quickcast-Rez didn't go off because the lag meant it didn't see you click the rez afterward... so instead you quickcast that heal you queued up afterward and your tank's still dead!
HATE the lag.
Noob Kid on the Block
This one was more recent, and folks that were on the LS with me at the time probably remember me both being amused and annoyed by it.
Was trying to get PLD over that hump to 50, random dungeon roulette, hit Darkhold. Love Darkhold. You can pull everything in the first section to the room before the boss and watch the numbers fly as you're only being hit for... 50 damage tops?
So! I say that I want to pull all the mobs to the last room and wait for any questions or dissent. Nothing. Waddle my way down towards the first group of mobs, they follow. Okay, they must be cool with it, right?
Healer stops at the second crystal and demands to know what I'm doing (in cell phone quicktalk, i.e. "wat u doin!?") after I already have everything in the last room. I die, DPS dies. We respawn and healer says I'm a noob tank that doesn't know what I'm doing. I try to explain that I've done it plenty of times before and that the crystal's light reduces damage to almost nothing. In return, I just get continually insulted and the DPS jumps in on it too.
I get frustrated, I start snapping back a few insults myself. Oh, I'm sorry, the guy who's leveled PLD to 50 TWICE and has run this place more times than he can count to get the Harlequin set (I didn't know you could just buy it off the AH, shutup.
) doesn't know what can and can't be done in the place? Sure thing, kid. Healer gets defensive, saying "People running Coil don't take this kind of talk!" I ask if that means he's run Coil, no reply.
Finally I get tired of standing around and try to start the instance again, one pull at a time this time. I'm still a bit salty, though, so when I'm tanking the enemies in the glow of the first crystal, I offhandedly remark that I haven't been hit for more than 50 damage, and that was on a crit. Healer immediately calls BS and starts trying to chew me out again, so I just start listing the numbers popping up on my screen. Calmly ask how the view was from so deep up his own behind, since I've moved beyond caring at that point and just want to finish the dungeon.
We get to the last room before the first boss, the one I had pulled everything to before. I grab the whole room there because... that's what you do, right? Get to the crystal, eat my first hit, and then removed from the dungeon. Vote-kicked, surprised it didn't happen sooner with how much they were ragging on me.
Re-queue, get the same instance with a new group. Ask if I can pull everything to the last room, healer says go for it. I do so and we decimate everything (even if the WHM was on fumes at the end). We then proceed to steamroll through the rest of the dungeon. Happy ending~
So welcome to the Vent Tent - a place where you can air grievances about bad things in FFXIV. Did you slog through Syrcus Tower with an alliance that seemed to have no idea what they're doing, only to low roll on that last sand you needed so you never had to come back again? Were you doing a map fight and lag decided to jump in and allowed the monster to casually curbstomp you while you banged angrily on your computer case in a desperate attempt to hurry up? Or maybe you just want to complain about those enemies 10 levels lower than you who always seem to aggro onto you when you're trying to do any of the dozens of quests that require you to channel something.
Now, please note, while this thread is a place for you to complain... I do want to set some ground rules.
1.) First and foremost, do not name names. In fact, if you think posting your grievances will start a flame war with someone else on the forum, don't do it. Or, if some otherworldly force compels you to post it anyway, make it as vague as possible. Say "the healer" did this or "the tank" did that, or that "the DPS" screwed up royally.
2.) Don't poke the bearbehemoth. Conversation over the events posted are fine, but if people start taking it personally or getting heated? Drop it and move on.
3.) This thread isn't for getting on your soapbox. Just venting. Talk about that one time the Ninja thought this was FFXI and tried to tank. Do not talk about how all Ninjas are dumb and SE made a mistake by implementing them.
This is probably a horrible thread idea, but I think people can bond over negative things just as much as positive things through understanding and support. So, let's give this a shot and hope it doesn't go down in flames too quickly, huh?
I'll start with two things I'd like to vent about. I'll give them goofy little titles because it seems more amusing to do so.
Lag Me with a Spoon!
I think my biggest issue with FFXIV is the horrid lag that seems to pop up without rhyme or reason these days. Before, you could reasonably guess that "Oh, it's around 8pm, I should probably avoid queuing for dungeons." Nowadays, it seems to pop up in just the right moments to kick you in the teeth.
To wit, I lost a couple Alexandrites thanks to Surprise Lag. Of course, I was being dumb by doing the maps solo... but I was a three man team all by myself! (Scholar in Cleric Stance, Fairy, DPS Chocobo) I could always breeze through all of them just fine, with only a couple that were a bit more obnoxious (Mythril Golem and the Cyclops). And, of course, these are the ones that always seem to be the ones I'm fighting when SUDDENLY LAG.
I'm so glad I'm done with that step on my main, you have no idea.
And, since I main healer on that guy, nothing upsets me more when the tank I'm trying to heal dies because the game decides to hiccup. One second everything's fine, then that heart-dropping pause, and suddenly your Warrior and Monk are dead and the boss is coming over to violently make friends with your molars. Oh, and your Quickcast-Rez didn't go off because the lag meant it didn't see you click the rez afterward... so instead you quickcast that heal you queued up afterward and your tank's still dead!
HATE the lag.
Noob Kid on the Block
This one was more recent, and folks that were on the LS with me at the time probably remember me both being amused and annoyed by it.
Was trying to get PLD over that hump to 50, random dungeon roulette, hit Darkhold. Love Darkhold. You can pull everything in the first section to the room before the boss and watch the numbers fly as you're only being hit for... 50 damage tops?
So! I say that I want to pull all the mobs to the last room and wait for any questions or dissent. Nothing. Waddle my way down towards the first group of mobs, they follow. Okay, they must be cool with it, right?
Healer stops at the second crystal and demands to know what I'm doing (in cell phone quicktalk, i.e. "wat u doin!?") after I already have everything in the last room. I die, DPS dies. We respawn and healer says I'm a noob tank that doesn't know what I'm doing. I try to explain that I've done it plenty of times before and that the crystal's light reduces damage to almost nothing. In return, I just get continually insulted and the DPS jumps in on it too.
I get frustrated, I start snapping back a few insults myself. Oh, I'm sorry, the guy who's leveled PLD to 50 TWICE and has run this place more times than he can count to get the Harlequin set (I didn't know you could just buy it off the AH, shutup.

Finally I get tired of standing around and try to start the instance again, one pull at a time this time. I'm still a bit salty, though, so when I'm tanking the enemies in the glow of the first crystal, I offhandedly remark that I haven't been hit for more than 50 damage, and that was on a crit. Healer immediately calls BS and starts trying to chew me out again, so I just start listing the numbers popping up on my screen. Calmly ask how the view was from so deep up his own behind, since I've moved beyond caring at that point and just want to finish the dungeon.
We get to the last room before the first boss, the one I had pulled everything to before. I grab the whole room there because... that's what you do, right? Get to the crystal, eat my first hit, and then removed from the dungeon. Vote-kicked, surprised it didn't happen sooner with how much they were ragging on me.
Re-queue, get the same instance with a new group. Ask if I can pull everything to the last room, healer says go for it. I do so and we decimate everything (even if the WHM was on fumes at the end). We then proceed to steamroll through the rest of the dungeon. Happy ending~