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Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Printable Version

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RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Faye - 03-03-2015

(03-03-2015, 03:30 PM)Gegenji Wrote: That's also why I believe it's recommended you start using SOMETHING the moment you're out of the AoE. Start a spell, use an ability, something. That forces the server to update your location because you're somewhere new and doing something.

Yeah, jumping actually increases the likelihood you'll get hit by an AOE, from my experience. But doing something once you're out of an AOE is is definitely a good tip, though. I have a shit ton of lag when I play, so to avoid an AOE, even if I'm clearly out of it in time, I overshoot it by running as faaar away from the AOE as possible. Otherwise, if I make it out in time but stop right outside the edge of the AOE, the server often doesn't seem to register that I'm outside the hit zone in time, so definitely make some extra movements once you're out of the range of an AOE.

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Warren Castille - 03-03-2015

(03-03-2015, 04:02 PM)Drifter Wrote: I'm surprised noone has mentioned that ALL "Gaze" attacks, not just "Mortal Gaze" in WoD, can be dodged by simply turning your back to the enemy.

Whoops. Taking my XI history for granted.


RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Kage - 03-03-2015

(03-03-2015, 04:05 PM)Gegenji Wrote:
(03-03-2015, 04:02 PM)Drifter Wrote: I'm surprised noone has mentioned that ALL "Gaze" attacks, not just "Mortal Gaze" in WoD, can be dodged by simply turning your back to the enemy.

The Boogeyman in AKHM got so much easier once I figured that one out.
Question: What does he do that makes you want to do that? XD;

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Melkire - 03-03-2015

(03-03-2015, 03:31 PM)Warren Castille Wrote: I know they made adjustments specifically because of Titan ruining people's assholes after launch. Not only does the game not update your position in the air, but it actually only parsed every 2~ seconds to determine where you were. This meant that running out of landslide or weights wasn't enough to get you clear, to be completely sure you were safe you needed to then perform an action to force the game to reassess your position.

Like so.

[Image: FFXIV.gif]

The game still doesn't parse frequently enough. The current delay for server position updates is somewhere between 0.5s and 1.25s, IIRC.

Always always always have something ready to press/pop.

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Gegenji - 03-03-2015

(03-03-2015, 04:19 PM)Kage Wrote:
(03-03-2015, 04:05 PM)Gegenji Wrote:
(03-03-2015, 04:02 PM)Drifter Wrote: I'm surprised noone has mentioned that ALL "Gaze" attacks, not just "Mortal Gaze" in WoD, can be dodged by simply turning your back to the enemy.

The Boogeyman in AKHM got so much easier once I figured that one out.
Question: What does he do that makes you want to do that? XD;

Oh, the giant cone effect thing he does when he (and his clone) comes out of invisibility. The one that confuses you and makes you attack your allies. Either through bad positioning or folks revealing both of them at once, sometimes I can't escape it in time. So being able to just look away to nullify it is great.

... Especially if the group let those adds explode and everyone has bleeds and they all need healing and oh god why.

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Edgar - 03-03-2015

As a Summoner, your pets are impeded by almost no form of barrier. The walls put up around the Mythril Verges spawned by Qarn NM's final boss, Adjucator may trap you or other players, but you can actually send your Egi to attack the Verge with a quick Sic or Obey and they will phase right on through or attack from afar, depending on the summon.

This also applies to the barriers put up around the Dark Clouds during that one phase in the Cloud of Darkness battle, where 3 clouds are put up in a triangle formation and explode at the end of their countdown. Though you can get trapped inside or outside, your Egis can once again attack or move right through them, allowing you to send aid to other players during the fight, and allowing you to relax should your Egi be off somewhere else when the walls go up.

This has saved my life and others on several occasions.
In the Titan fights, position your Garuda Egi off in the furthest corner of the arena, where it is doomed to have the floor ripped out from underneath it. Not only is Garuda immune to landslides, but when the arena is shrunk, Garuda will remain hovering in mid air, allowing you to keep it from ever taking a hit, as it will end up out of range of Tumults and other nastiness. The only thing that will kill it is your death. However, you will have to reposition yourself a bit in order for your buffs and Enkindle commands to continue working, though not by much to be of any concern.
The Summoner Burn is the ancient art of cheesing the hell out of a variety of instanced dungeons. It calls for four Summoners (or three and say, one healer, preferably a Scholar) using Titan Egis to beat the ever-loving shit out of enemies whilst you sit back and spam every spell in the book. This strategy was used back in the days when Philosophy Tomes were a thing, and the only good instances for farming were WP and AK. Although slow, the sheer amount of DoTs and the presence of four tanks and four DPS in an instance made for four people can be nasty. Obviously, nowadays, your mileage may vary, but for those Summoners out there who hate DPS queues, it's a nice (and mildly amusing) alternative. For best results, blast "Under the Weight" on repeat while you play.

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Kage - 03-03-2015

Chicken nugget (as me and my friends call the Titan-egi) has been one way how we did Mog Ex when we were bored and didn't have a second tank.

You can also do the same with the fairy as SCH in Titan but it's nice to have the heals centered for that Rouse+Whispering Dawn+Fey Illumination. Honestly, anything is better than putting your stupid pet in front of Titan. Stop people. Seriously. move that shit so it doesn't get hit all the time and you can focus on healing/damaging and not healing your pet :V

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Melkire - 03-03-2015

(03-03-2015, 06:17 PM)Kage Wrote: Honestly, anything is better than putting your stupid pet in front of Titan. Stop people. Seriously. move that shit so it doesn't get hit all the time and you can focus on healing/damaging and not healing your pet :V

Still better than healers deciding to stand on top of the tank in time to eat cleaves.

ಠ_ಠ Amdapor Keep HM

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - ChewableMorphine - 03-03-2015

Any tips for Hysteria status ailments? Shit drives me insane. Like, control, or some nonsense?

Also, your poisons as a ROG/NIN apply to Fuma Shuriken, because it's a physical weapon being thrown, not something metaphysical like Raiton. So the nerf actually didn't affect mudras, simply the offensive magic types. Fuma is still competent and a decent attack when chained.

Also, it drives me insane when NINs ignore this:

SUITON ALLOWS YOU TO BACKSTAB/FRONTSTAB, BACKSTABBING GRANTS ~1K IN DAMAGE AND A 10 SECOND VULNERABILITY DEBUFF ON THE MOB. It's DPS cake, and it's ignored to all hell, especially when all a DPS does is attack the backs of mobs. Suiton that shit and hotbar your Trick Attack for some protip goodness. 

And not much of a trick, but useful regardless, Inner Release + Second Wind can land you 1200 in HP through critical heals. It's good for DPS check attacks like Tumult.

Inner Release and Death Blossom are also cross-class, meaning there's no excuse for any class not to be able to use hard hitting AoEs on big pull runs like Brayflox HM. Crits on DB can hit for 600dmg a pop. Huiton on top of that for maximum speed and you're in for a crowd control DPS to remember.

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Melkire - 03-03-2015

(03-03-2015, 06:29 PM)Flynt The Hyena Wrote: Also, your poisons as a ROG/NIN apply to Fuma Shuriken, because it's a physical weapon being thrown, not something metaphysical like Raiton. So the nerf actually didn't affect mudras, simply the offensive magic types. Fuma is still competent and a decent attack when chained.

Raiton still parses higher than Fuma Shuriken even after the nerf -and- accounting for GCD delays. The community number-crunched this to death on the official forums and reddit when that patch hit.

That said, Fuma is viable, just not optimal.

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - ChewableMorphine - 03-03-2015

(03-03-2015, 06:36 PM)Melkire Wrote:
(03-03-2015, 06:29 PM)Flynt The Hyena Wrote: Also, your poisons as a ROG/NIN apply to Fuma Shuriken, because it's a physical weapon being thrown, not something metaphysical like Raiton. So the nerf actually didn't affect mudras, simply the offensive magic types. Fuma is still competent and a decent attack when chained.

Raiton still parses higher than Fuma Shuriken even after the nerf -and- accounting for GCD delays. The community number-crunched this to death on the official forums and reddit when that patch hit.

That said, Fuma is viable, just not optimal.

I abuse that stuff to hell in Moggle Mog EX runs, where I can rush down HP without it killing the moogle. It's a reliable attack.

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Kage - 03-03-2015

Bards: Foe's Requiem does not help only Black Mages. It doesn't help only Summoners either! It can help Ninjas too! And Holy Spam. And SCH DPS!

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Ilwe'ran - 03-03-2015

Another absolutely not obvious tips for SCH and I believe SMN too.
When you upgrade your gear, change it or maybe also when you have summoned your Egi / Fairy in a lower lvl dungeon don't forget to resummon after, the stats of your summon don't refresh by themselves.
Unless they changed that on the previous patch, you can easily test it : Get your character naked, summon Eos and heal with her. Now put on your armor and do the same. Now resummon Eos and heal again, you'll see a HUGE difference.

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Cato - 03-06-2015

It's possible to travel to the Gold Saucer via airship for free from Gridania, Ul'dah and Limsa after completing the necessary quest to unlock it.

This means that if you need to get between any of the city states quickly or want to avoid spending as little gil as possible whilst travelling you can evade the 120 gil it costs to travel directly to and from the city states via the typical route.

It may not seem like much but every little bit helps, eh?

RE: Tricks or Tips, an FFXIV "secrets" collection - Enteris - 03-06-2015

(03-03-2015, 07:09 PM)Ilwe Wrote: Another absolutely not obvious tips for SCH and I believe SMN too.
When you upgrade your gear, change it or maybe also when you have summoned your Egi / Fairy in a lower lvl dungeon don't forget to resummon after, the stats of your summon don't refresh by themselves.
Unless they changed that on the previous patch, you can easily test it : Get your character naked, summon Eos and heal with her. Now put on your armor and do the same. Now resummon Eos and heal again, you'll see a HUGE difference.
The same is true about cleric stance for both WHM and SCH. 

WHM: throw your regen on the target, THEN go into cleric stance and do your dps..

The regen will benefit from your out of stance cast. This is testable much like the gear thing. Cast out of cleric stance and notice the numbers on the ticks, then cast it while in cleric stance and notice lower numbers.

I -believe- the same holds true for the fairies (if summoned while not in cleric stance their heals will act as though you're not), but I could be wrong.

This holds true for DPS as well, hit those dots while BFB is up to see bigger results... even if BFB falls off before the dot does. The dot will still tick for BFB damage (and whatever other cooldown you had on when you hit the dot).

Granted, I haven't seriously healed (or DPS'ed) in a loooong time, so this all could've been changed in a patch.