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Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Printable Version

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RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Cailean Lockwood - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 08:03 AM)Aaron Wrote:
(04-30-2015, 07:58 AM)theincubuslord Wrote:
(04-30-2015, 07:54 AM)Aaron Wrote:
(04-30-2015, 07:52 AM)theincubuslord Wrote:
(04-30-2015, 07:39 AM)Aaron Wrote: Honestly? I don't see the problem. 

The horns aren't going to be the stand out point. Every Au Ra will have horns just like every Miq'ote has ears. They alone won't make you stand out or be unique. 

I would consider this arguement valid IF Miqo'te have different types of ears attached to the face options. But they don't, all ears look the same on ALL faces. The only thing that changes slightly is the fur when choosing hair options, but the very shape of the ears stay the same.

However, that's not the case with the Au Ra horns which actually change for each face option.
Perhaps I used the wrong body part. Ill change it.

All Au Ra will have horns like all Miq have tails. To be frank, no one will go outside of a rp excuse "I remember you from your really big horns" when they've probably or will see 100 other au Ra OOC with the exact same horn option you picked face tied or not. Just like you never hear "I remember you from your tail!"

Well, to me, it's not about what OTHERS see on my character. It's what I see on my character. There's a pair of horns I think looks cool, but I like a face better than the one the horns are attached to, so I would want to pick that pair of horns with that face.
Well ive not had that problem so I wouldn't know. *shrug*

Your Au Ra looks good enough as is imo. Was just trying to point out lately it seems everyone wants something to complain about with the new race. (Not saying you were per say but you get the gist)

Oh, I absolutely LOVE the Au Ra! The only thing, as Kellach says above, is that it's an odd choice to tie the horns with the faces. No other race does this. It would be like if the Elezen's ears were tied to their face options.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Meena - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 07:10 AM)Septha Wrote:
(04-30-2015, 06:18 AM)Meena Wrote: I'd much rather they address the height limitations for females. 5'2 isn't tall enough.

*cries in corner*

I just barely hit 5'2 irl. Rude.

Just to add, like I've added almost everywhere now, in the niconico stream it was said that the customisation for Au Ra wasn't entirely complete and that there was some things missing and they would not be in the benchmark. Could horn choices be there? Maybe. Who knows? Being in the dark about this does riles me up since we cannot give any form of constructive criticism, something that SE does seem to listen to.

I for one like all the horns and don't care over the lack of choice. I also play a lot of games with ultra limited character creation.

o.O What. No they said that they completed the Character benchmark earlier than inteded in FATE tokyo, so the one we have now is the completed benchmark.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - allgivenover - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 07:42 AM)Merri Wrote: I don't code, so, I wouldn't know what they'd have to go through in order to remedy the situation and have that option cycle depending on the face and horn combination chosen, instead of both being static. Likely means writing new code, which also means testing it, making sure it functions properly, making sure it's aesthetically pleasing, etc, etc.

It would be extremely easy to filter the options based on face/horns combination. What I don't know is how that combination is being built by the engine.

It's either a conscious design choice so that one or two particular faces don't become the only face we ever see, or it's a limitation born from mishandled rendering code that was deemed not worth fixing, whether that mishandling is model or memory related I have no idea.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Hyrist - 04-30-2015

*speculator hat on*

I don't think they're going to do it. Doing so gives more options than any other race, which would then be a point of contention.

There's also character data and display coding, which again, this development team seems to be very picky about.

Do I want it? Yes, of course, more options are always nice. But I've followed SE enough to know not to pin my hopes on things like this. People will make due and SE knows it - by my guess they'd rather conserve contextual balance and keep things as they are then get dragged into a domino effect that distracts them from working on other features.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Naunet - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 07:30 AM)Steel Wolf Wrote: while also assuming the variety of horns don't clash with head shapes and geometry of headgear.

The former I doubt would be a problem, because the four faces are barely different shapes at all that don't actually change the dimensions of the head (and you've got a huge buffer of hair). The latter would be something I would hope SE has already planned for and wouldn't be affected by freeing horns from face types.

I doubt they will do anything to improve it though, as usual.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - K'nahli - 04-30-2015

Limiting design options because previous races didn't have as many sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. If they were really concerned about that then they should just add an extra option or two for other races further down the line.

Frankly, Au Ra have no extra options. Like miqo'te, they don't even have muscle definition sliders, so I think that covers the limbal ring and colour additions. They also have fewer tail options than miqo'te if I recall correctly. Would the single addition of choosing horns independently really upset people? I highly doubt it... and even if they believed that it might, I think it would be absurdly silly for them to hold back because of it.

As such, I don't think that's why horns and faces are linked - and I certainly hope it isn't.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Hyrist - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 04:17 PM)K Wrote: Limiting design options because previous races didn't have as many sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. If they were really concerned about that then they should just add an extra option or two for other races further down the line.

Frankly, Au Ra have no extra options. Like miqo'te, they don't even have muscle definition sliders, so I think that covers the limbal ring and colour additions. They also have fewer tail options than miqo'te if I recall correctly. Would the single addition of choosing horns independently really upset people? I highly doubt it... and even if they believed that it might, I think it would be absurdly silly for them to hold back because of it.

As such, I don't think that's why horns and faces are linked - and I certainly hope it isn't.
The crux of it is, while we are free to make positive estimates on the reaction of the Playerbase, Square Enix, or any game Developer really, have a bad track record of such assumptions.

Also, speculative equivalencies are merely speculative. The Limbal Ring for a Au Ra can be the equivalent of a tattoo Hyurs. Tail Sliders are muscle sliders are ear sliders and so on. Scale patches are beauty marks and scars and so-forth. 

Suddenly Au Ra get differential horns but Elezen don't get differential ears, followed by Mi'qote. Then that happens and Au Ra wonder why they don't have horn sliders and Hyur, Roe, and Taru wonder what they're going to get for all the new additions.

While you may think otherwise, Square Enix can't take that chance. They've got a backlog of bugs and concerns and imbalances and loads of complaints that there's not enough (insert piece of content here) to address, on top of any new content they wish to add. It would take time and resources to what would amount (to be fair) to an overhaul of the character creation and character rendering process. I assure you, it would not wind up being 'easier' than that given all the technical testing quality control, and coding (it's not just character wise, it's data storage and load both server side and client side)anything short of that wouldn't be worth the work load because of all the technical hurtles they'd have to cross.

It's easy to sit client side and speculate as to what little difficulty it would be to change something. It's an entirely different world to sit on the production side of what's pretty much considered a 'living game'.

Again, as a personal perspective, I'd be all about more options. However I'm a hobbyist when it comes to following Gaming as an industry and am familiar with a lot of the tripping points and tropes of developers.

I do not see this happening, at the very least not anytime soon. The way it's structured implies to me that they created a rather rigid system off the bat and to expands the options will likely require a good bit of overall. I could be wrong, but my gut feeling on this tells me to settle in with what we have.

I'm not saying 'don't give feedback' as, again, I want this to happen too. Just please, please do not become hung up on it.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Aysun - 04-30-2015

I said it on tumblr, and I'll say it here:

Sure, but if they decide to not link horns to face type then they’ll have to make Miqo'te markings not linked to face type as well. Won’t happen.

Look at the character creator as a whole and you’ll see that each race has things that parallel the others in what you can change and what you can’t. They’d have to revamp the entire creator if they wanted to change this one thing.

People seem to forget we have the same problem with Miqo'te. No, it's not the ears that are linked to the face, but the markings we get. :/ There's no mixing there either.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Hyrist - 04-30-2015

What struck me odd, was that I thought the four styles of horns would be synonymous of say, the four styles of tails we would get, and that the tails themselves would be single style, as the trade off.

When I realized that we had tail options, I realized there wasn't enough option slots for both.

To be honest, I would have preferred the separate horn options and a universal tail, rather than have the horns locked to facial structure.

That said, the frame-set seems to use Miqo'te as a base, "skeleton" wise. Given what flexibility with faces that are there, I think the felt that tying horns to the face structure and maintaining the options on the tails (That were likely already programmed with the frame set) seemed like it gave players more options, while giving the programmers the path of least resistance.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Wymsical - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 06:14 PM)Hyrist Wrote: That said, the frame-set seems to use Miqo'te as a base, "skeleton" wise. Given what flexibility with faces that are there, I think the felt that tying horns to the face structure and maintaining the options on the tails (That were likely already programmed with the frame set) seemed like it gave players more options, while giving the programmers the path of least resistance.

Yup, I've noticed that XIV seems to have very particular and rigid systems in place to handle things and it's nigh impossible to break them due to the way they've made the engine. Like the way quests are structured. Given these limits, I'm not surprised horns are the way they are. I do wish we could've swapped tail options for horns too. Maybe eventually they'll find a way to bypass certain things like the character data limits and expand our options.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - X'havir Vahl - 04-30-2015

You guys keep bringing up lalafel and elezen ear customization but forget miqote gets tail options but not ear like the Au ra get tail options but not ear. And I've seen people cry since launch for miqote ear customization (though thats tied to hairstyle, not face and yes there are some differences) and nope, not happening. It's similar levels of customization options. And remember the Au Ra get the lingal rings and ring colours. That's an added layer the other races flat out do not get.

And while I would love for more, this is one of the few games I can get very unique looking characters from a limited set of predefined features.

I don't think they will break horns from faces honestly. I would like for them to adjust the colour of the extra horns that go with the hairstyles to match Raen or Xaela though.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Edda - 04-30-2015

It'll never happen, though it would be nice. If I've said it once, I've said it 100 times: muh PS3 limitations.

Even when they DO drop PS3 support (which will happen), I doubt they'll add in more customization options for any of the races simply because it would be more work/basically everyone would have to get a fantasia potion. Doesn't mean we shouldn't bug them about it though! But... don't get your hopes up.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Kellach Woods - 04-30-2015

As I said in another thread.

I pity the people working on the PS3 downport.

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - K'nahli - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 05:58 PM)Hyrist Wrote:
Show Content

Mmn... in hindsight I think you are right in that I was downplaying the difficulty and resources it would require quite a bit. I apologise ^^a

(04-30-2015, 06:04 PM)Aysun Wrote: I said it on tumblr, and I'll say it here:

Sure, but if they decide to not link horns to face type then they’ll have to make Miqo'te markings not linked to face type as well. Won’t happen.

Look at the character creator as a whole and you’ll see that each race has things that parallel the others in what you can change and what you can’t. They’d have to revamp the entire creator if they wanted to change this one thing.

People seem to forget we have the same problem with Miqo'te. No, it's not the ears that are linked to the face, but the markings we get. :/ There's no mixing there either.

You are very right about the miqo'te markings. That never even crossed my mind.... perhaps because I was priveleged enough to get my favourite ones, haha ;

(04-30-2015, 09:51 PM)X Wrote: And while I would love for more, this is one of the few games I can get very unique looking characters from a limited set of predefined features.

I always find that impressive about this game, haha. It's a shame in a sense however, since one can only imagine the much greater diversity that could come with something more elaborate

RE: Au Ra Customization: Horns and Faces - Hyrist - 05-01-2015

(04-30-2015, 09:51 PM)X Wrote:  And remember the Au Ra get the lingal rings and ring colours. That's an added layer the other races flat out do not get.
This is incorrect.

The category the Lingal rings fall into is "Colorable Static Addition" In which the following races get:

Hyur, Lalfell, Miqote Seeker, Roe, Elezen Duskwight: Tattoos
Miqo'te Keeper, Elezen Wildwood: Ear Clips

Au Ra get neither of these - they get Lingal rings instead. Horn rings or ends are a static addition listed under what would otherwise be "Facial Features" Category for other races.

The only cases in which some races get 'more depth' than others is those who get muscles slides do not get to select 'Muscle Shape' in the same manner that Tails and ears get shape options.