Hydaelyn Role-Players
If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Printable Version

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RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Cato - 05-13-2015

(05-13-2015, 03:24 AM)TheLastCandle Wrote: Seems like something that would be better served by a PM to the person or people you're addressing rather than inciting drama and further validating many people's opinions regarding the community here. Because that's exactly what this thread is going to accomplish.

Usually I'd agree but I feel like this is something that needs to be highlighted. More people need to be aware that what they post online can and will haunt them in the future. Otto isn't naming and shaming either so it's not like he's calling out individuals directly.

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Maril - 05-13-2015

Every place has it's share of people with questionable ways of dealing with things. I noticed this trend of directly/indirectly addressing what appears to be mostly private dramatic situations quite a while ago, it even seemed to go on when everyone agreed that the tone here was too harsh. I don't particularly like seeing it, but I doubt people will ever stop doing it - don't mistake this for a defense of the behavior. I tend to note who's doing it when I see it and honestly, without deeper know into the situations, it just them in a bad light. I tend to avoid rping with people that go dramatic in public because I don't want to end up as the victim for a misguided hate-campaign - even if someone has done something bad, I don't think that's a proper way to deal with it. I don't think I'm alone in avoiding/being careful around people with this kind of behavior, and considering we're all here to find RP it all seems very like a very detrimental thing to do.

Personally, I use tumblr as a place to post screenshots of my adventures in xiv and in minecraft (playing a bunch of that whilst waiting on heavensward), and then I really like those question me-me's (I think that's what theyre called), I think they're quite fun even though I rarely get asked. I follow a number of blogs belonging to roleplayers in the community who use it for the same.
So there are good people on tumblr as well, and I'd encourage anyone to make a blog for these purposes - could drown out some of the negative ^^ (If you have a blog like this lemme know, I will follow you and like your things Big Grin)

One thing will always be true though, if you talk shit about other people it's always going to come back and bite yourself in the behiney. It doesn't matter how anonymous or how secretive you're going about it, people have a knack for finding out, making assumptions and growling over it. If you don't like someones behavior, just take a deep breath and if you need a venue to rant, use a trusted friend - not a public channel/page, not your FC chat etc.

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Fox - 05-13-2015

(05-13-2015, 02:56 AM)Eleni Wrote: I do not know what happened, but what's with all the negativity recently? 

Why can't we all just SMILE and hug and be happy and get along well, despite differences. People have differences, even twins aren't the exact same, but that doesn't mean you can't get along. :<

This is so incredibly true of the internet I think at this current time. I think with increased anonymity it has created a sense of 'I don't have to be accountable for my actions'. It's not just on tumblr, it seems to be everywhere. It's rather unfortunate but I think the best way to combat it is to have fun regardless, to be positive, and not engage.

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Sorora - 05-13-2015

It's a shame that people are acting this way on their blog instead of confronting them nicely about it.  

Everyone has differences with people, but despite anything that happens in game, everyone deserves a little bit of OOC respect in the sense that we all play this game, and no one deserves to have their name slandered over tumblr.  That being said, I don't really use tumblr, so I never see anything malicious when I do look through posts.

Perhaps then, if you see anything, rather than posting about it on the RPC (even if it's just a general posting), try to have a polite conversation with said people.  Most things can be worked out that way, I found. ^^

There has been so much negativity in general, and I've seen it here too so I also have been kinda shyed away from here, as well other forms like tumblr so I can form my own opinions of people.

It's not just the people with a lot of followers who get bashed either, it's sometimes some of the lesser knowns too.  I've seen that happen in game a lot.

Let's all get along! =D

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Meena - 05-13-2015

The intentions of the post from what i understand is that people aren't getting away with furthering drama or talking about it more on tumblr compared to what they think they are. Certain things have happened on the RPC and people have gone to tumblr to flame that person instead of acting like rational adults in the situation. Sure, someone does something you don't like - They didnt publicly attack you did you? because tumblr is public.

The person you -are- attacking (if you are) can read what you are saying and cyber bullying and slander is ILLEGAL.

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Cato - 05-13-2015

(05-13-2015, 06:22 AM)Meena Wrote: The person you -are- attacking (if you are) can read what you are saying and cyber bullying and slander is ILLEGAL.

Just a note but whilst this is technically true very little is actually done to enforce it. Most people don't bother reporting it since even if it is taken seriously the legal chaos isn't something a lot of people want to endure.

Laws also differ from country to country and the internet isn't very well regulated in general. I suspect that those responsible realise this and thus act out because they can, essentially, count on getting away with it in many cases.

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Fox - 05-13-2015

(05-13-2015, 06:26 AM)Graeham Ridgefield Wrote:
(05-13-2015, 06:22 AM)Meena Wrote: The person you -are- attacking (if you are) can read what you are saying and cyber bullying and slander is ILLEGAL.

Just a note but whilst this is technically true very little is actually done to enforce it. Most people don't bother reporting it since even if it is taken seriously the legal chaos isn't something a lot of people want to endure.

Laws also differ from country to country and the internet isn't very well regulated in general. I suspect that those responsible realise this and thus act out because they can, essentially, count on getting away with it in many cases.

I actually dealt with slander on tumblr, and I can attest that they will do nothing about it. I reported it, explained the situation. And I got messages back stating "Tumblr cannot say what Slander is, so we will not police our users' content in this regard." And said for me to take it up with the police themselves.

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Meena - 05-13-2015

(05-13-2015, 06:28 AM)Foxberry Wrote:
(05-13-2015, 06:26 AM)Graeham Ridgefield Wrote:
(05-13-2015, 06:22 AM)Meena Wrote: The person you -are- attacking (if you are) can read what you are saying and cyber bullying and slander is ILLEGAL.

Just a note but whilst this is technically true very little is actually done to enforce it. Most people don't bother reporting it since even if it is taken seriously the legal chaos isn't something a lot of people want to endure.

Laws also differ from country to country and the internet isn't very well regulated in general. I suspect that those responsible realise this and thus act out because they can, essentially, count on getting away with it in many cases.

I actually dealt with slander on tumblr, and I can attest that they will do nothing about it. I reported it, explained the situation. And I got messages back stating "Tumblr cannot say what Slander is, so we will not police our users' content in this regard." And said for me to take it up with the police themselves.
I don't think that justifies people actually doing it. ._.;

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Fox - 05-13-2015

(05-13-2015, 06:49 AM)Meena Wrote:
(05-13-2015, 06:28 AM)Foxberry Wrote:
(05-13-2015, 06:26 AM)Graeham Ridgefield Wrote:
(05-13-2015, 06:22 AM)Meena Wrote: The person you -are- attacking (if you are) can read what you are saying and cyber bullying and slander is ILLEGAL.

Just a note but whilst this is technically true very little is actually done to enforce it. Most people don't bother reporting it since even if it is taken seriously the legal chaos isn't something a lot of people want to endure.

Laws also differ from country to country and the internet isn't very well regulated in general. I suspect that those responsible realise this and thus act out because they can, essentially, count on getting away with it in many cases.

I actually dealt with slander on tumblr, and I can attest that they will do nothing about it. I reported it, explained the situation. And I got messages back stating "Tumblr cannot say what Slander is, so we will not police our users' content in this regard." And said for me to take it up with the police themselves.
I don't think that justifies people actually doing it. ._.;

It's not meant to justify, rather, I'm saying it's a screwed up thing and people shouldn't treat others like that. It's -wrong-. And it's very unfortunate sites aren't doing their job and are doing the whole... Well...

[Image: 55463406.jpg]

'Hands off' sort of thing with how they handle their site. But I digress, people should be nicer! It actually may put a smile on someone's face if you (the generic you) were nice and told them something nice that day instead of lambasting them or talking crap about a community in a public forum.

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - No Longer Exists - 05-13-2015

*Peeks out from under his hat*

It is human nature to want to be recognized. We all do it in our own way, personalized by specific learned behaviors. We may not want to be famous (though, there is strong evidence that a large chunk of the populace secretly does) but, we do want to be recognized in some way. It is perfectly natural and normal. That being said, the internet allows the less self-assured to find that recognition anonymously which leads to these behaviors we're speaking of.

There's another important factor here as well, humans learn from each other. In olden times, this was evidenced by how towns developed dialects and communal moralities. The internet has effectively connected the entire world together and now everyone learns behaviors from everyone else. In that sort of massive environment, especially so in the context that the internet is still a frontier with very lax supervision, terribad behaviors will grow like weeds. As long as someone is doing it, someone else will assume that it's okay. Monkey see, Monkey do.


On this particular subject, it concerns me greatly that we can make such statements as "If you do X (X being something we don't like) then you don't belong here. Exclusion is in no way a means of positive change, it's simply avoiding the issue. I'd like to think that we want to be better than that, it's the impression I've gotten from discussions about the recent negativity and RPing.

There was a phrase going round the net a while back and I'm sure it's still in use today in some respect, but it exemplifies what I'm talking about here. "Go die in a fire"

Widely used as a means of expressing hate for another human being, this always made me sad to see because I cannot believe that we, an enlightened people, could condone actually saying to someone "I hope you die violently and painfully." over things like differences of opinion, political affiliation, and worse yet, recreational hobbies (See: Gaming). 

Show Content

Back to the subject at hand.

A blog is defined as a website or web page owned or operated by a single individual or small group and is typically written in an informal or conversational style.

It's not public forum, per se. While the blog IS available for the public to see, it is essentially (and originally) a form of diary where ones thoughts, feelings, likes, dislikes, and individual interests can be chronicled. There's no filter in a diary, there's also no actual malice in a diary because it's just a bunch of text. In certain instances, the writer might act on something they said in their blog but the keyword here is -might-. We are not the Thought Police. We have no right to dictate an individual's feelings, ideas, or inner most workings and I, for one, am appalled by the idea that we are.

Judge not, lest ye be judged thyself.

Which brings me to the final point I'd like to make, because this post is long enough as is. Why go looking for trouble? This is kiddie drama. Who cares what Person B said in their blog or tumblr or facebook or skyped to a friend. They're upset, they're using a social acceptable outlet to release stress. Don't like it? Don't look. Have a heaping plate of self-esteem because we're all awesome people and what one person or a small group of people in the vacuum of netspace has to say doesn't actually mean squat unless you let it. I've been actually -attacked-, my business has been the subject of Doxxing, false, fraudulent reviews were posted that dropped my star rating from 5 to 1.5, I had pictures of my family stolen from my facebook by someone I thought was my friend and re-posted to public forums where they were openly criticized.

But at the end of the day, it's the internet. My business didn't go belly up, my information was secured, and I have enough self-respect to see that what a bunch of "super-cool" nicknames had to say didn't actually matter at all. I love my family and they love me. Life goes on, it's going to be okay.


-Black Hat

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Aaron - 05-13-2015

I know for a fact it's someone thst doesn't like me on tumblr because I don't exactly agree with how they go about stuff lol.

Id hug them if they were in front of me. Be all like "Bruh, I know you hate me and ima let you finish, but just no I don't give the biggest fuck of all time. OF ALL TIME! "

[Image: bc8a664b6c16415f913fc99da27c6c29-dropmic1.gif]

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Yssen - 05-13-2015

(05-13-2015, 06:28 AM)Foxberry Wrote:
(05-13-2015, 06:26 AM)Graeham Ridgefield Wrote:
(05-13-2015, 06:22 AM)Meena Wrote: The person you -are- attacking (if you are) can read what you are saying and cyber bullying and slander is ILLEGAL.

Just a note but whilst this is technically true very little is actually done to enforce it. Most people don't bother reporting it since even if it is taken seriously the legal chaos isn't something a lot of people want to endure.

Laws also differ from country to country and the internet isn't very well regulated in general. I suspect that those responsible realise this and thus act out because they can, essentially, count on getting away with it in many cases.

I actually dealt with slander on tumblr, and I can attest that they will do nothing about it. I reported it, explained the situation. And I got messages back stating "Tumblr cannot say what Slander is, so we will not police our users' content in this regard." And said for me to take it up with the police themselves.

Technically, when it is on the internet is is libel. Also, libel and slander are civil matters and not usually overseen by actual law enforcement, in most cases. The response given from Tumblr here is a bit nuts. The wronged party says what slander and/or libel is, not the forum in which it was done. Further, not taking steps to remove libelous content can leave one pretty darn exposed in a legal sense. Though I am sure they have some sort of blanket CYA loop hole to jump though. 

Further fun fact, you only have to prove libelous content is untrue in order to have a legally ordered/binding retraction published. Malice only counts if you are attempting to go after specific damages. I have seen more than one person forced to publish a retraction on their blog/facebook/live journal/you tube vid/whatever over libelous content. That said, given super fun happy times of some Tumblr posts malicious intent is really not a hard thing to prove at all. ;p

Moral of this story? It pays to remember that the internet counts as a broadcast medium when posting stuff. Remember people, you absolutely have a right to free speech. You also have a responsibility to accept any and all consequences for what you say. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go scream "FIRE!" in a crowded area and accept what will be coming to me. ;p

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - LadyRochester - 05-13-2015

I completely agree with this. I would like to add that sometimes these "witchunts" are done against people who don't deserve it by the tumblr army of justice warriors. These "warriors" often don't know the situation in its entirety and have a tendency to blow things out of proportion to make the problems even bigger than they really are, only to turn more people against a particular person. There's a thing in this community about taking things out of context and bending them to make them look terrible for another party.

This is not cool.

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - allgivenover - 05-13-2015

(05-13-2015, 01:47 AM)OttoVann Wrote: We all talk shit about a lot of people privately all the time,

Speak for yourself, unless you just mean your own social circle?

Seriously, this is not something "we all" do.

RE: If you can't be nice to people outside the RPC, you don't belong on the RPC. - Max - 05-13-2015

Eh. I haven't seen any of this in the ff14 tag recently. Then again I'm not on it very often.

If someone is incessantly harassing someone, picking on them, and encouraging others to bully them then I absolutely see the issue. Howeverrrr... If someone is simply venting about something or someone on their personal blog then that's their prerogative. Ignore it and move on.