Hydaelyn Role-Players
What's Your Best Game Moment Ever? - Printable Version

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RE: What's Your Best Game Moment Ever? - Addison - 07-19-2015

How can I choose just one? There are so many.

Like the time I tanked Suzaku as WHM/NIN in FFXI (CoP era) because I could. I got yelled at and looting rights taken away for a month, but it was worth it.

Or the time a GM appeared at King Arthro and proceeded to tea-bag all the AFK botters that died to Knight Crabs.

Or the time I went to someone's house in EQ2 to buy some ridiculously overpriced item (if you go to their house, you avoid broker fees) only to find people in the middle of some really explicit ERP carrying on upstairs, but still in emote range. I bought my item and shouted "Don't mind me! Just checking the meter! Carry on!" and left.

Or the sweet feeling of satisfaction I got from deleveling my BRD from 75 to 74 on purpose.

Or that time when my roommate got his ass kicked by an invisible caribou in World of Warcraft and how almost a decade later, he still hasn't lived that joke down.


There's just too many!!! Dazed

RE: What's Your Best Game Moment Ever? - ProvaDiServo - 07-19-2015

While I can't say I have had my "Best" gaming moment yet because I think the games I'm immersed in offer many awesome opportunities for epic moments,

A few come to mind.

In SOR1 My bro and I prematurely cleared the entire game, We had made our first rounds and got to Mr.X and took the reset to stage six because why not? Extra score... We make it back to the white briefs abadede and I am grappled by him. He raises me overhead, and then the game fades to stage clear gives us the points and rolls credits. We were speechless.

In Ragnarok online, I have fully parried all blockable moves possible in game and sounds stupid but I have a thing for "just defense." and it's saved me in alot of situations againsts Grendel, fafnir and the like.

RE: What's Your Best Game Moment Ever? - Gegenji - 07-20-2015

I have a few various gaming situations where, at the time, I felt empowered and amazing and that I had Done A Thing. And yet, when I seek to recall them, they're not but the faintest whispers of memory. It's annoying, really. However, there is one moment that still remains pretty clear - and it's actually from back when I raided in WoW.

Black Temple - Illidan fight. Apparently the Tank was Not Prepared, since he didn't block one of Illidan's big hits and went down. He starts roaming free, heading towards the healers and a wipe seems imminent. And then I got a crazy idea.

I went all out, pulling as much aggro as possible and making Illidan think that I was the next best thing to smash into paste after the tank. He stomps over, I hit Deterrence - making me unable to be hit for a few seconds. Meanwhile, I yell for the healers to get the tank back up and get him up. I watch in the distances as they do just that, as well as watching my Deterrence buff count down. Three... two... one... tank's up and fully buffed.

I feign. He taunts. We finish the fight. It was quite the moment of personal glory to pull a kill out of a wipe like that.