Hydaelyn Role-Players
Value of the gil? - Printable Version

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RE: Value of the gil? - Sylentmana - 08-19-2015

Given how Japanese games tend to create in-game currency based Yen, I tend to assume that 100 gil is = to $1. For most of the Final Fantasy games this was a fairly safe assumption. Considering this is and MMO with it's own economy and prone to ridiculous amounts of inflation, I wouldn't consider this to be accurate anymore.

RE: Value of the gil? - Celsius - 08-19-2015

Something else to possibly keep in mind here too is that the civilization in XIV isn't necessarily the same as current day. I mean, look at the difference in prices of things now against the same item just 30 years ago. Prices change immensely within the span of a few years, and that's even more so in recent years.

Now, that said, it's hard to judge where we stand because the cost of things is so imprecise. It'd just be nice to get like a ballpark answer of what an average citizen makes in a week and work off costs from there, but the game doesn't seem to give us any answers there.

RE: Value of the gil? - Ignacius - 08-19-2015

It's worth noting, in this discussion, that we should be also including the things we AREN'T paying for as relates to gil and worth.  I mean, we are told teleportation is expensive (at a few hundred gil), but our characters normal "living" expenses are sort of ignored.  Like our food.  We don't have to pay for food three times a day, we don't have to pay for inn rooms, nor do we pay for our taxes.

Now, I figure our characters PAY these things, they're just taken as read.  However, everyone's money goes into that and their equipment in theory, and that includes NPCs.  Your average wood-cutter has to pay for not just their equipment, but food, tranportation, carts, etc.

So it's hard to say, since all our goods we pay for are, necessarily, occupational expenses.

The best way to judge it is that Adventurers can make equipment trivial that even city guards say is expensive, like equipment and teleportation.  So several hundred gil is probably a HEALTHY chunk for even a soldier, much less a grifter in the Brume.

I'd figure that ten gil would probably pay for food or a drink on the cheap.  That seems to work pretty well.  A few thousand gil is a good price for an average adventurer's job.  Ten thousand gil is probably a good annual salary for a non-adventurer, probably twenty thousand for a soldier.  A hundred thousand gil is more than a normal person might see in a decade, a million gil is some manner of estate.

Of course, this is all academic.  Your characters' income isn't to be derived from your character's in-game gil.  Being rich or poor is a character trait and should inform your RP.

RE: Value of the gil? - Shoshopu - 08-19-2015

I'm a little surprised nobody's mentioned Hamon's quest dialogue in the level 5 pugilist quest, Harder than Rock... 500 gil (which you pick up right off the street, but Hamon seems surprised that you found so much) is good for "a week's worth of..." something. Food? A stay at an inn? A good inn? Unfortunately he trails off there, so it's not entirely helpful, I suppose, but it's the one example of a NPC describing a specific amount of gil and approximating its value that I can remember off the top of my head... and there might be more examples out there if anybody feels like digging.

edit: why are youtube videos so friggin' hard to link on this forum. No, I didn't want to embed the video...

RE: Value of the gil? - Caspar - 08-19-2015

Perhaps a weeks worth of private dances. He's Hamon, after all. ^_^'

Problems with the price of basic living expenses have plagued RPGs though even in pen and paper. Wasn't there a time when someone calculated that the only way to make anything better than subsistence living in a world where prices were set as the base values in the D&D 3.5 books was to be an adventurer and kill things for gold?

RE: Value of the gil? - Jana - 08-20-2015

The prices in DnD are exploitable by a savvy enough character. Why risk life and limb when you can buy unlimited chickens to flood the pitfalls and set off every trap in the dungeon with the price of chickens being so low?

In RP, I usually don't mention gil amounts at all; I show Jana's a miser by saying she saves up most of her money and lives on flatbread and ale.