Hydaelyn Role-Players
Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Closed] - Printable Version

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RE: Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Open] (Move to Town Square, pwease. DX) - Q'nahli - 11-21-2015

Nahli nods, "I understand that. Ul'dah and Gridania have done nothing to help matters though. They won't help, so I will. It is something. To me, that's better than nothing. Mayhaps a song will inspire them. Bring that fire back into their hearts and souls." She says just as quietly, pulling her lyre-harp into her lap. With deft fingers, she fiddles with the tuning pins, every now and then plucking a string to check the sound it produces. The instrument was lovingly crafted from wood of the highest quality, probably harvested from the Black Shroud, and it is plain that Nahli tended to it well. 

After a few moments of playing with her lyre-harp, she speaks again, glancing over at Odette, "Where did you learn to play, if I may ask?" She peers searchingly at her traveling companion, knowing well that the subject could be touchy.

RE: Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Open] - Capheira - 11-21-2015

In her wisdom, the Highlander chose not to respond to the miqo'te's mention of the city-states beyond a simple "Aye," and the quirk of tapered corners of full lips into a small smirk as she gave a dip of her head in agreement."An' yer right, Nahli. Ye have t'do what feels right in yer heart t'do. Without t'opportunity fer choice we are nothin'. Yer choice t'do an' provide what ye can, an' the choice of others as t'what they do with it. There's nae greater freedom than that, an' nae one. . . nae Garleans, or Sultansworn, or pirates can take that frem ye."

Patting down the bedding in full, Odette flashed a grin in Q'Nahli's direction as she tuned her instrument. Pulling her exposed legs, clad to knee in worn leather boots, close to her person, the woman plopped down atop the worn canvas with a short huff for task completed. After lacing her fingers behind her head and leaning back against the caverns dusty wall, she considered the question a moment before answering without hesitation.

"I taught meself," explains the buxom blonde, deciding instead to stretch her legs out before her with lent positioning. Crossing her ankles, she goes on to explain further. "Lots of long nights at sea with naught t'do but stare outward an' be ready fer anythin' from enemy vessels to approachin' storms. With that kinda time on me hands, only seemed right t'put it t'use." she states with the small lift of her shoulders in a shrug, "Turns out that I found great joy in doin' so. I played often. Went from there t'buskin' wherever we were docked, then playin' around t'place at taverns and the like." After the slight point of a booted toe in the miqo'te's direction she asked, "What of ye? I dun think I've heard t'whole story a'fore. At least nae about this mentor of yers."

RE: Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Open] - Q'nahli - 11-21-2015

With a smile, Nahli rests her lyre-harp against her side and strums the course, producing a pretty melody that resounds throughout the cavern. She plays a small, soothing ditty for anyone close enough to hear. A song that put the hearts and minds of those at ease. How long, Nahli wondered, had these people slept with naught but the cries of beasts and the wail of the desert winds? Too long, she thought, but no longer. They all deserved a small respite. 

Even as she played, she also listened, one ear splayed to the side, the other forward. The song was soft enough not to drown out Odette's story. She could only imagine what it would be like to have little to do but learn how to play. A sorrowful expression crosses Nahli's face for but a moment, though her music plays the same. "It was time well spent, so I say. You are more accomplished than most minstrels I have met." 

The miqo'te lays her hands across the strings of her lyre-harp to still them, rendering the melody quiet for the time being. She takes her own time to consider the tale of how she learned, and a smile plays on her lips at the memories. 

"It was just after my seventh name day. My Mother asked me to go to the market in Gridania. I ran into a man there. A hyur with little but an Eorzean Lyre-Harp and a bow. He said that I had the heart of a bard, and that with that heart I could inspire people. Touch their souls in ways that others could not. From that day forth I poured my time into the study of word, song, verse, and the bow. The art of being a bard has been lost over the years. Many assume a bard to be a traveling performer who plays for commoners and kings. The Bards of Eld were hardened bowmen, who sang in combat to inspire their allies to great feats. I wish to be just like them. I will be just like them. Anyroad, I joined the Adders when I came of age, and recently I was taken under the wing of the man who mentors me now. He was one of the last few bards to remain." 

She winks, "Of course, I use my talents for more than just combat. A well placed song can be a thousand times more effective than any blade."

RE: Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Open] - Capheira - 11-21-2015

Odette couldn't help but find amusement in Nahli's sorrowful reaction to the tale she'd told, a short blurted note of barked laughter leaving her lips in earthy melody. "What's with t'face?" she asked teasingly, not waiting for an answer herself as she went on to make statement that was brief explanation. "Fer better or worse they were some of the most important years of me life, lass. I cannae complain. Without them, I wouldn't be the same charming young woman ye see before you. Possibly."

As the melody was stilled by her hand, so too did Odette's laid-back rambling fade to silence in allowance and anticipation for the answer. Nodding her understanding for the woman's tale as it was told, she herself languidly tugged a small, dented flask from leather holster that rested upon the curve of a rounded hip. Unscrewing the cap with the faintest of screeches from metal threading, the rim of aforementioned flask was lifted to wet bronzed lips with the amber liquid contained within. With an expression that was appreciative for the shared words, the Highlander leaned forward to offer Nahli the flask when she had concluded.

"Heart of a bard..." she murmured softly, drawing a slender thumb down the length of her jaw that tapped once against her chin before dropping to rest against exposed thigh. "Huh." hummed Odette, a wide grin breaking over her features in a dazzling display of pearly white that contrasted with the tan upon her flesh. "That sure is somethin', Nahli. A gift t'be sure. I ain't got nae bard's heart or aetheric skill or nothin', but that dedication... that desire? That I can appreciate. It's that passion which inspires and will continue t'do so."

The woman paused for the allowance of full lips to tug to one side in impish smirk. "So how long until I can convince ye t'shoot an apple off me head?"

RE: Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Open] - Q'nahli - 11-21-2015

Nahli would open her mouth to answer, only to find that Odette answering before she could get a word out. She opted to smile instead. "I am fiercely glad that you found some good in those days. I do not believe I could imagine a dour Odette." Setting her lyre-harp gently to the side, she takes up the offered flask, taking a healthy pull. The liquor burned going down, causing the miqo to cough and sputter. "Ahem...Gods...I think I shall stick to honey mead." 

She would sit back, pulling the bottom of her breeches out of her boots. "I've always been fascinated with song, and I always loved to sing and dance when I was little. I supposed I am blessed in a way. I still have that love, that passion for song. That is something that can never be taken. You have a similar passion. If you didn't, you wouldn't still be singing and playing." 

Now comfortable, Nahli would lay back on her pad, staring up at the dark ceiling of the cavern. A small laugh slips from her. "I do not think I am ready for such a feat. I am good as an archer, aye, but I do not know if I am -that- good. Some day mayhap. Some day mayhaps I will be as good as Gilbert the Godsbow."

RE: Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Open] - Capheira - 11-21-2015

Leaning forward to take back her flask of whiskey, bronzed lips twitching impishly in amusement for the woman's reaction to the biting liquor, Odette lifted the rim to once more partake of the amber contents in hearty nip. "I pray ye never have to, Nahli." responds the Highlander, thumbing her freckled nose as she swirled the remainder of the flask.

"Of course I do!" she exclaimed with a short laugh that was somewhat melodic in it's husky, earthen tone. "As ye said, I would nae be doin' it if I did nae enjoy it. Life is fleetin' an' too short t'spend wrapped up in things that don't make you happy. Live it, savor it, challenge it, make love to it." Leaning her head back against the cavern wall, the deep ocean hues of eyes framed with long lashes danced their attention upward to the ceiling in a likewise manner; wistful smile resting easily on the curve of her lips.

"I don't doubt that ye will be, lass." responded Odette once the miqo'te had set firm her desire for bright future, pausing only briefly the exhale a relaxed breath and thread her fingers through golden bangs. "On that note though, do ye intend t'play tonight?"

RE: Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Open] - Q'nahli - 11-21-2015

Nahli sits back up, her smile only growing. "Your faith in me is refreshing. I will make sure that it isn't misplaced." She takes up her lyre-harp again, and strums the course with the flourish of a deft hand. "I intend to make the most of life. Just as I intend to play tonight." The miqo'te springs up from her pad and makes her way to an open place in the cavern. A few faces here and there look up from whatever they are doing to look her way. Some get up and wander over.

The bardess sits, settling her lyre-harp against her side. She plucks a few strings in sucession, closing her eyes, as she begins to play.

RE: Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Open] - Capheira - 11-22-2015

Odette nodded to the words spoken my the miqo'te with a smile playing lightly upon her bronzed lips. A gazed hued with mixed colours of blue and green akin to ocean depths, the Highlander tracked the movements of her travelling companion and fellow musician as she departed some feet away to begin her performance. 

The blonde made no move to join her at this point. Despite the fact the two had never played together prior, having only talked and shared their musical abilities in brief, this moment alone belonged to Q'Nahli and Odette intended to listen with her fullest attention. It was not, however, without notice taken of those around them who had moved likewise. Head listed back against the dusty red of the cavern wall, long lashes dipped only partially as listened for the other woman's opening chords.

RE: Music for Little Ala Mihgo [Open] - Q'nahli - 11-22-2015

She sings, her voice strong and proud. The song she plays if soft, but it carries through the cavern, echoing along the walls. Though night is approaching, the cave seems to brighten. Mayhaps it is the mood? 

Ala Mihgo fell. ♪
So the scholars tell. ♪
But what they say not. ♪
Is that their pride shant rot. ♪
Still strong and stout. ♪
Their Lances still they tout. ♪
No loss shall lay them low. ♪
Stand they shall and strike a blow. ♪
For them death holds no sting. ♪
Nay, only of victory shall they sing. ♪

Her fingers pluck the strings of her lyre-harp. The miqo'te's eyes are closed, her training guiding her fingers. 

Soon the banners shall be held high. ♪
The time for battle shall soon be nigh. ♪
Lances will strike the Garleans down. ♪
In blood will Ala Mihgo's enemies drown. ♪
Many harsh days are to come. ♪
But with Hope do the hearts of Ala Mihgo drum. ♪
The fire within their souls will never falter. ♪
The Garleans will burn upon Rhalgar's altar. ♪
They will be driven from the land. ♪
Take heart, victory is soon at hand. ♪

There is no flourish at the end of this triumphant, and mayhaps even violent song. Nahli watches the reactions of those that gathered. One or two may nod, the rest seem resolute, cheered somewhat by the song.