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Any AION players.. - Printable Version

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Re: Any AION players.. - Aveline - 07-20-2010

I see a sparkly pony fighting zombies.

Re: Any AION players.. - Shamadconde - 07-20-2010

Nice painting!

Re: Any AION players.. - Gavriel - 07-20-2010

Well phew. I'm glad someone finally told me, :o

Anyway, sorry to highjack the thread...

Re: Any AION players.. - Shamadconde - 07-20-2010

Eh...it was mostly dead anyway.

Re: Any AION players.. - Vareal - 07-21-2010

Satrina Wrote:Go Elyos for pvp, or you'll regret it. The numbers favor them in any skirmish. Also they are the dev's favorite race for pve type items and quests so it's even more of a bonus.
Ahh yes, but the Asmodians are sooo much cooler, lol. But, my Elyos character has 1 million Kinah due to my account being hacked. NCsoft was nice enough to leave me the character and all its stuffs.

Re: Any AION players.. - Tadrith - 07-22-2010

Zietes Wrote:Well I believe in trying games out and judging for myself. Call it a bad habit. But I mean, you just never know.
Trust us on this, Zietes. Just... don't. Please. GMs respond decently quick compared to FFXI GMs and what not, but there is a HUGE "MY 1337ness" mentality. There is no longer a solid base for RP (Lumiel was the main server for that and most of that group are flocking here), the grind is disasterous unless you get good fun peeps to endure it with, which are few and far between, and PvP? More like make sure you play a class that's hard to kill so you can run for the zone before you're ganked. And I won't even get into the hacking. It happened so regularly that on my Elyos Legion over 4 ppl got hacked (confirmed to not have done any RMT or hacks that is) and 2 in my Asmodian one. Then there were numerous friends who got their accounts hacked.

In short: I would rather play WoW again than go back to Aion. Great memories, but the bad outweigh them by far.

Re: Any AION players.. - Satrina - 07-22-2010

I've heard a lot of tales of people who left AIon for a few months, returning to find their account hacked and stolen. Something fishy about that as these people tried the game to like lvl 15, then canceled their accounts and upon returning found them stolen.

Re: Any AION players.. - Siben - 07-22-2010

*hucks his mouse across the room and is screaming a lot of explicatives that include a lot of inferences towards the sexual preferences of pigeons*

Re: Any AION players.. - ArmachiA - 07-22-2010

My account was hacked when I moved into a new house and couldn't get on for a few weeks. I took it as a sign. XD

Re: Any AION players.. - Dreamer - 07-22-2010

I never had a problem with being hacked, thankfully; but I did have a problem with hackers during PvP. So many speed hacks going on, it was tiresome. Frustrated

Re: Any AION players.. - Siben - 07-22-2010

Is it Sept. yet?

Re: Any AION players.. - Dreamer - 07-22-2010

*checks calendar* Almost.

Re: Any AION players.. - Ellion Goto - 07-22-2010

Shamad Conde Wrote:Let's see....Aion memories...Aion memories....Oh ya!
Lvl 35......grab quest.....get ganked on the way.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked....rez.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......rez.......try to go back........get ganked.......cancel subscription and quit. Never return.
True story!

...You hit level 35?

Also, I played Aion. I thoroughly enjoyed the game up until level 30. Granted it was at the launch of the game so there were absolutely no level 50s, I was in the higher end of the higher leveled players at the time so it was pretty fair for the most part, but then it hit me. "You need 3,600,000 Experience to reach level 31" or something -very- similar to that amount. You achieved roughly 10,000 xp per kill around that level and it just felt excrutiating. At level 40 it was going to take me about 40,000,000+ with about 25,000 xp per kill. That's about 1600 mobs. If it took you 15 seconds to kill a mob, that's 4 mobs a minute without a single second of delay. That's about 400 minutes (or 6.6 hours) of Non-Stop Action-Packed Souless Genocide of a single mob. I say mobs because there were no quests in Aion. There was torture and then randomly some guy there that looked like he was going to give a quest, but instead just wanted you to kill 30 mobs for the XP reward amount that you'd get if you just stayed in that one spot and kept fighting that mob instead of running back and forth. Also, he might've wanted you to kill some elites of the opposite faction, in their fortress, that may or may not be owned by you at that time. If you owned it, "quest" was garbage. There was also the amazing ability of high level ranged classes to hit one button and blow you up, regardless of level. The PvP rewards were decent but only if you were willing to sink down to the depths of total asshattery and literally gank lowbies all day to slowly gain enough points (by enough I mean get your coat, it will take awhile) to get a single piece of epically glistening armor that glows in the dark. Which really didn't matter because casters had the ability to blow you up with the single push of a button. They'll use this button on you as soon as you're level 25, so you'll get to handle this problem, along with their flock of friends that they're babysitting as well as trying to gain that 6.6 hours of no-delayed mob grinding. Which isn't happening because you're now being camped WoW style. You can return back to your Obelisk (that you paid like 15,000 Kinnah to set) and then run all the way back, or you can purchase a group-designed kisk (portable HomePoint) for yourself at about 36,000 Kinnah and take with you, however if they find it and destroy it, you're SoL.

The customer service was pathetic, Long story short on this, I won a roll for an Elyos polearm (dropped off Elyos only raid boss) from an event the GMs setup on Asmo side for St. Patricks day. It was a raid polearm and would've done me for the rest of my career, but it was publically ninja'd with the GM standing right there. The entire alliance shouted at the GM, posted on the forums. Took pics and posted those. not a single thing was done. It took the community to basically rep-grind the Ninja looter into the ground because that was probably going to be the only Elyos polearm on Asmo side. Sad enough, the looter was a ranger and couldn't use a Gladiator's Polearm. He also couldn't sell it because nobody wanted that kind of server rep.

Did I also mention that you can fly? Yea, that's pretty cool.

I'm not bitter....

P.S. - 250,000,000ish for upper Aion levels.

Re: Any AION players.. - Merri - 07-22-2010

Eh. I played Aion for quite a bit. Started on the head start, ended up hitting 50 around January, and.. it all just went downhill from there.

The game looks pretty, i'll give it that. The roleplay community on Lumiel was nice (At least the Elyos community. I heard some nasty stories Asmo-side, NOT THAT I'M SAYING ALL THE ASMODIANS WERE LIKE THAT.)

But, the game has withered, and NCSofts customer service was pathetic. (At least what I experienced when I had issues every so often.) Then again, I have a bitterness towards NCsoft and their "Let's push out as many MMORPGs as possible in the shortest time-frame, give them half a development team who doesn't do their jobs, milk them for all we possibly can, and then shut them down." mentality. XD

That, doubled up with a highly unbalanced PvP system that more or less forced grouping unless you were extremely geared, a community full of griefers and gankers, and almost no end-game content?

... 1/10 from me. I really, really wouldn't suggest it. I'de save your money, and try something else.