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An evening in Gridania[Closed] - Printable Version

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RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - Felix Sideris - 08-02-2013

"An odd thing. A honeyed lemon-apple combination. I don't suggest it if you don't have a sweet tooth.. Although the lemon adds a tart twist, so it isn't too overpowering. I've never been much of an ale-drinker though." Felix confessed, laughing lightly at himself. "Hmm.. Well, I suppose I could offer up another tune or two. Somethin' a little more relaxing for the gentlemen in the back."

Felix paused a moment, watching the woman briefly before his eyes glazed over in thought. After a few moments time he raised the pan-pipe to his lips and closed his eyes. Following a deep, relaxing breath and sigh, he began.

His hand followed what might be taken as tradition and raised into the air, gesturing to the bar-keep to bring him a refill. With that, he winked to L'yhta in thanks for the drink.

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RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - sanguineFenrir - 08-02-2013

When the barmaid brought Felix his refill, Kevaraan politely called her over before she could return to the bar, and asked for the same type of drink. He gently plunked a few coins into her free hand, about twice the cost of the drink, and quietly murmured something about keeping the tip. She gazed at him skeptically, as if unsure what to think of the gesture. His face remained straight, and eventually she nodded and smiled.

Kevaraan pressed the mug to his lips, watching the performers in his peripheral vision. The drink was fresh, slightly floral, although he supposed they must have put less honey and more lemon juice in his serving.

He had to grin from under the mug at the bard's suggestion of relaxing music; he liked this a fair bit better. The man was thoughtful. 

I wish they played this sort of music at the Amphitheatre, he thought.

Taking small sips from the juice, Kevaraan continued to watch the group. Once or twice, he caught his gaze straying to the Highlander, but he never let it linger long, remaining silent.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - K'nahli - 08-02-2013

Alex gripped his temple firmly in reaction to the elevated noise within the tavern. He had yet to break his focus from the pitcher he was gripping loosely is his right hand but it seemed that another musician had accompanied the pan flute player. A drummer at that, which served as a perfect combination with his already throbbing headache. He closed his eyes slowly as he gently massaged his forehead with the tips of his nimble fingers in a vain attempt to sooth his increasing discomfort.

"Ahaha, ahahaaaaaaaaa~" a nearby, bellowing laughter echoed towards Alex's corner of the room as it quickly drew closer and closer. A man who had been drinking with a small group of friends stumbled backwards until he finally lost his balance and tumbled backwards over Alex's table. The man's sudden collision knocked Alex's drink clean out of his hand and sent the pitcher flying off of the oaken table, spilling the remainder of his drink onto his newly-crafted, leather armour. Alex immediately stood up from his chair and backed away from the table, eyeing his stained armour with a quickly expanding scowl.

The man quickly got to his feet and turned to face Alex, reaching an arm out to his shoulder apologetically as he tried to make amends for spoiling his quiet drink and expensive attire. Alex immediately shot his eyes away from his armour and locked them on to the culprit. His arm shot forward with great speed, grabbing them man violently by his collar. His cold eyes shot a menacing look into those of the older hy'ur who was raising both of his hands submissively before Alex in a silent plea for him not to hurt him. Alex was already near breaking point. He continued to hold the man by his collar, breathing heavily in immense irritation as he battled with his own thoughts on whether or not he wanted to risk a bar fight by striking the man.

"Please..." a gentle and feminine voice called out to the side of Alex. A young miqo'te gently placed her hands on Alex's outstretched arm in a lulling attempt to request that he subside. He slowly turned his glance towards her, analyzing her pacifying eyes and gentle touch for a moment. He returned his glare to the man confined against the wall, studying him for a short while longer. His rapid breathing dwindled slightly before he finally, briskly released the man from his firm grip. He briefly surveyed his surroundings after doing so. Not many people seemed to have noticed the miniature scuffle due the the noise and activity within the bar.

"We're sorry for the trouble. Please let us buy you a new drink" the young miqo'te finally added, as she remained calmly and ever so slightly gripping his arm. Alex gave the young miqo'te a quick and final look before grunting and shaking his arm free of her grip rudely before proceeding past her towards the tavern door.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - Felix Sideris - 08-02-2013

This song lasted a bit longer than the previous, and Felix seemed to sway back and forth as he lost himself in his performing. He enjoyed playing at the taverns, and did so for free. Watching people move to the music, or become inspired or cheered up by his little efforts became, over time, something very soothing to him. Although despite this, he would likely have to be dragged, possibly quite literally, to play in a large crowd.

Various folk had come and gone, new faces appearing as the night-life took hold of their usual seats in the tavern. The male bar-keep looked around the room before making his way over to the far corner, opening a window. It created a gentle draft which carried some of the now-building muggy air out of the room. His sister seemed to have spilled another drink as she made a frusterated grumble and her tail went swishing each and every way. Hurried hands fumbling around and she tried to clean up her mess.

Felix seemed mostly unphased by the rough housing in the back, his eyes watching the scene. It was a usual thing, spilt blood often followed spilt drinks, even in Gridania. The woodwailers did a good job of keeping the peace, or rather, enforcing it. His eyes followed Alex as he made for the door, a slight frown tugging at his lips as he played. He never liked not being able to improve someone's mood.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - sanguineFenrir - 08-02-2013

The brawl caught Kevaraan's eye, and he felt some primal instinct flare up in the back of his mind, frantically calling for him to vacate the tavern. The vast majority of patrons did not turn an eye; soon, he saw it was over before it had had a chance to escalate. He watched the Highlander's large frame pass between the door and meld with the falling night.

Soon after, a clatter of porcelain was heard, and Kevaraan looked down to see the barmaid frantically cleaning up a spill, racing against the spreading liquid. He moved over to her and knelt down, attempting to help the girl soak up the beverage with a spare linen cloth from a nearby table. His eyes carefully inspected the wood, in case the mug had chipped or shattered.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - Felix Sideris - 08-02-2013

Felix finished up his song and placed his pan-pipe carefully beside him, taking up his drink to take a small sip. The tavern seemed to grow quiet after the small scene, everyone talking quietly amongst themselves. The last thing they wanted at this time of night was the woodwailer's attention.

Felix raised his drink up, nodding his head at Kevaraan as he walked over to help the Miqo'te. The glow of the fire started to die down and it caught Felix's gaze, which in turn brought him to place another timber upon the fire. It would be just enough to last until midnight, which was when the tavern closed the bar.

"Summer nights and I can almost smell autumn." He said, mostly to himself. A small grunt of a laugh escaping his lips before his cup was brought to its desired place.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - K'nahli - 08-02-2013

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Pausing at the doorway, Alex gave another glance down towards his armour under the well-illuminated entranceway. In truth, he knew that he had fussed over nothing. After all, blood stains much harder than any drink would, but bad mood aside that wasn't unlike him. He saw himself as a VIP and usually couldn't take the passive route when provoked.

Alex gripped the black, iron doorknob and coiled it towards him, opening the large, creaky door ajar as he peered out into the darkness. It wasn't his first time in Gridania but he had never spent much time anywhere other than the tavern. He swore under his breath as he drew the door back to a close. He didn't fancy the idea of lurking around and asking for directions off of busy strangers who would likely only further anger him. Glancing around the tavern, he scanned for an evident local who wasn't consumed in conversation with their peers. The bartenders both seemed to be very busy and he didn't have the patience to hang around for much longer. Finally, his eyes caught the pan flute player. He seemed to be between songs and would surely provide him with directions.

Alex briskly turned and made his way through the people as he made a beeline for the young musician.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - Felix Sideris - 08-02-2013

Felix had sat back down at his spot, looking at the approaching man. He gave him a friendly nod and extended a hand, "Evening sir." He said with a smile. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

He pulled placed his belt of satchels upon the table and awaited his answer. Eyes absently inspected where the ale had spilt.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - sanguineFenrir - 08-02-2013

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Eventually, the two of them managed to mop up the spill and wipe that section of the floor clean. She scurried off with a bit of a sprightly step, sighing to herself and seeming relieved at the decreasing number of customers. Now she could rest easier.

Kevaraan moved to approach Felix and thank him for playing, but the Midlander had done so first. He approached off to the side, being sure to respect the Midlander's personal space; as he waited for the man to finish his inquiry, he smoothed out his unusually long ears.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - K'nahli - 08-02-2013

Alex glanced down at the man's extended hand briefly before stating his business, blatantly ignoring the man's welcoming gesture. 

"I'm looking for an inn. Know where I can find one?" he spoke concisely, simply seeking to end the day as quickly as possible.

He studied the young man firmly as he awaited his response. The warmth from the dying fire continued to enwrap itself around Alex, offering a homely and comforting feel, contrasting that of the lonely corner he has previously been occupying.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - Felix Sideris - 08-02-2013

Nodded at Alex, "They offer rooms here.. But if you want somewhere a little more peaceful, there should be an inn just outside of town. Follow the road west." He nodded again as his eyes trailed off and visually confirmed his directions in his mind.

Felix looked over to the approaching man, nodding. "I'm happy to play, as long as it isn't a bother." He said jokingly, "Sadly I only know a few songs."

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - sanguineFenrir - 08-02-2013

Kevaraan looked about before replying to Felix. His voice was neither rich nor tinny, but it had a slight accent (reminiscent of Britain)... one that would give off the air of one cultured and well-mannered. His voice might prove to be mildly disconcerting if those observing expected a sound more aligned with his race; his speech was precise like cut glass, lacking the hissing sound some Miqo'te were known for.

"Oh, no. Your music was the reason I bothered to stop in this tavern at all. It was quite relaxing, and I suppose I'm in need of such things. I have no musical aptitude myself."

He extended a long-fingered hand, nodding. "My name is Kevaraan, by the way. Felix; did I hear that right?"

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - K'nahli - 08-02-2013

Alex's glance followed in-synch with the young musician's as he indicated the direction of another inn a little outside of the village. Turning back to face the man, he offered a subtle nod in gratitude as he turned his back and proceeded towards the doorway once again.

After having taken a few steps, he halted and slowly tilted his head towards the ceiling in thought as he slowly groomed both hands through his sleek, black hair. He allowed both arms to fall loosely back down by his sides as he held the position for a brief moment longer before fishing through one of his pockets. He slowly retracted his hand which was now clutching a small, silken coin pouch.

"Here..." he spoke aloud to the man without turning to face him, tossing the coin pouch over his shoulder, causing it to land on the table nearby.

"I enjoyed the few songs that you did know" he continued, turning his head to glance over his right shoulder before advancing towards the doorway. Though it contributed to compacting his headache, he would have otherwise enjoyed the musician's charisma and talent on a normal day. That and he was appreciative to one the one person who managed to not piss him off that day.

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - Felix Sideris - 08-02-2013

Felix nodded, shaking his hand firmly. "Thats right, Felix. It's a pleasure." He said with a friendly tone, "I'm glad to know someone enjoys my music. Although I must retire soon myself. Never was much of a night owl." Felix said with a smirk. He began putting his satchel belt back on, and the beautifully crafted pan-pipe was placed in a leather case, which was then placed in his pack.

"Was there anything else I could help you with?" Felix stopped what he was doing, turning to face the man.

Felix looked at the coin pouch and bowed his head, smiling. "That isn't necessary.. thank you very much. I'm glad I could be of some help. Enjoy your night, may it bring you peace."

RE: An evening in Gridania[Open IC] - sanguineFenrir - 08-02-2013

Kevaraan attempted to make another attempt at a partial, tooth-concealing smile: a gesture that obviously did not come easily to him. The metal ring in his lower lip followed the curve of his mouth before he spoke again.

"I enjoy the night myself, but by the looks of me, that shouldn't come as much of a surprise. Though I suppose that my body's internal clock is disturbed due to all the traveling I do. Or did. So, I might as well go try to lie down soon." His tone contained a hint of unease, or past annoyance, although it didn't seem to be directed at the bard.

"Before you depart, can I ask you something? Have you ever considered playing at Mih Ketto's amphitheatre, here in the city? It's been a while since I've seen one, but they have had festivals in the past there, of varying sizes. It's also a nice place to think when one seeks quiet... or a muse. The birds make for a pleasant accompaniment most of the time.