Hydaelyn Role-Players
More Dynamic roleplay. - Printable Version

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RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Michikyou - 11-08-2013

I know. This isn't about me.

This is about a few people I have known who have found the community so hard to break into. I understand the community is young. But there are very few events. I have only seen 2-3 on per month and the ones publicly on are usually very crowded and hard to even converse in.

Just hopefully we can get some more activity on the site and some more events open.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Val - 11-08-2013

(11-08-2013, 08:04 PM)Naih Wrote: I know. This isn't about me.

This is about a few people I have known who have found the community so hard to break into. I understand the community is young. But there are very few events. I have only seen 2-3 on per month and the ones publicly on are usually very crowded and hard to even converse in.

Just hopefully we can get some more activity on the site and some more events open.

Oh, without a doubt. I've CERTAINLY noticed that there are VERY few events. Hardly anything seems to go on aside from the "meet and greet" stuff. I wouldn't mind helping to coordinate and try to get something else going on.

My problem is my availability. It's very sporadic due to life/school/whatever. Sometimes I can make it weekends, sometimes I can't. It's really hard to say. So I can help try to plan events and stuff, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to attend.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Rosekitten - 11-08-2013

I personally would love to see a market day type of deal that was mentioned. It would be a good way to introduce crafters and none crafters to one another ic'ly ^^ (pretty sure we have a few FC groups and LS groups that are for crafting)

But I do agree there aren't a lot of events community wide... and the ones that have happened seemed to be crowded (kinda why I avoided them.. all for a crowd but there is a point when its too many).

A though if there are smaller events maybe advertisement in game would be good as well... there is a good number of rp'ers that don't come here or check here often enough to catch events if there were any.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Val - 11-08-2013

(11-08-2013, 09:32 PM)Rosekitten Wrote: A though if there are smaller events maybe advertisement in game would be good as well... there is a good number of rp'ers that don't come here or check here often enough to catch events if there were any.

Advertising in game would be a good idea, but I'd be far too afraid that it would attract trolls. And, if you're like me and tired of SE's incompetence at fixing their chat/spamming system, some run around with most of the channels turned off.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - ArmachiA - 11-09-2013

I don't really ever RP in party unless we're supposed to be at someone's house that doesn't exist or something. If I do anything in /say people are welcome to react, come over, whatever. The other day we did RP in /party at the hot springs because there were trolls about, but we even invited a dude into it we didn't know because he sat down next to us.

My FC generally always tries to get people involved in things who are outside the FC. You'll actually notice Dennthota running around doing this a lot and I've had some awesome RP sessions because Denn is like "INVITE EVERYONE, DO THINGS". I appreciate Denn for that, he tends to be a lot more outgoing on that than me as I tend to worry I'm bothering people.

THAT being said, its really up to the individual player wither or not they want to rp with strangers or rp with their friends, and we probably should try to guilt them into changing their mind? When you RP with people your comfortable, they understand your RP style, your character back story, they're probably apart of your storylines that you can talk to them about without someone going "THAT'S NOT EXACTLY LORE." or "THAT IS SO STUPID, LET ME SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEMS WITHOUT ASKING.", you can RP fight them and not have to worry about them constantly overpowering you, you can get into a romance with them and know they aren't taking it too seriously.

That is comfortable. And it's their 15 dollars, they are allowed to use it to be comfortable.

Getting to know strangers can be daunting, just like real life. Will this person like my backstory? Will I ever see this person beyond tonight? How deep should I go into things? Will they just talk about themselves? Are they just gonna hit on me? How many "Hello, I'm ____" so I have to do before something sticks?

Should people get themselves out there and RP more with strangers? Yes, it's always good, but I understand it can be scary. I rolled a character, Armi, with the specific mindset of wanting her to go out and meet new people, so she tends to get involved with conversations and meet people. I rolled Loki to not care about that, though she does tend to be chatty at a bar. We also have to consider the character mindset. Maybe they just don't care your standing 5 feet from them, and that's okay. We shouldn't force all characters to be chatty.

My guild also has about 7 or 8 people who rolled Garlean evil alts specifically to antagonize people who want to be antagonized (You can hire our villiany ways at our forums in the Bad Guy Inc Section: http://nightblades.shivtr.com/forums/1005125 - you don't even have to register to post!) and this has actually become quite a boon, we've been hired out before and it worked wonderfully. We even have people not in the Night Blades who have rolled baddies to help plan terrible things! When we don't have anyone interested in hiring us, we generally Antagonize ourselves and our alliance guildies over at the Grim Echo. It's made for some really fun storylines.

We try. We do what we can.

On Events... My guild wouldn't really set up events, it's not really in our nature, but I would like to see more. Maybe an event planning committee of some kind? I know there are a few, the Grindstone on Saturday's and the Wineport thing is trying to start but the organizers never show up >.>. A lot of people seem to be going there anyway though.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - LandStander - 11-09-2013

(11-09-2013, 03:26 PM)ArmachiA Wrote: On Events... My guild wouldn't really set up events, it's not really in our nature, but I would like to see more. Maybe an event planning committee of some kind?
[Image: 4523415_std.jpg]

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Raccoon - 11-10-2013

(11-08-2013, 08:04 PM)Naihir Wrote: I know. This isn't about me.

This is about a few people I have known who have found the community so hard to break into. I understand the community is young. But there are very few events. I have only seen 2-3 on per month and the ones publicly on are usually very crowded and hard to even converse in.

Just hopefully we can get some more activity on the site and some more events open.

Unfortunately, most people are like you -- and me, don't get me wrong -- who want more events but aren't willing to start one themselves. It's a pain to organize and host these events, plus you kinda need to limit participation somehow, or you're going to have hundreds of RPers and maddening scroll. But by limiting participation, you get called all sorts of things, with elitist being one of them.

The only times I've ever seen anyone turned away is when Mysterium is having a super-secret FC meeting and our catgirl-guarding-the-stairs turns them away IC, or when someone tries to walk up and RP without asking first. In which case we're usually in a scene that's typically not located where we're sitting, or it's got a month-plus worth of story behind it that's just plain awkward to have a random person walk into. In both cases, they get told politely OOC that that's what's happening.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Magellan - 11-10-2013

Events are often chaotic, crowded, and confusing as hell. They do little in serving any of my rp needs, and I think a lot of people feel the same way (though not all).

There are many good events (and I've been to some =) ) but they take time, thought, and dedicated people to plan and run. 2-3 community events per months honestly isn't a bad number o.o

Part of the problem lies in the fact that people seem to think events need to be these grand, elaborate schemes that people will talk about for years to come. No. Just... no. An event can be simple. Something as simple as; hey let's have a footrace from Ul'dah to Vesper Bay!

The very core of an event is to try to get people to interact, and the core often gets buried under layers of complexity. The simpler, more easy to understand, and more accessible an event is, the greater chances there are that many people will enjoy themselves.

Its possible to run an event that doesn't need a big setup and weeks of planning, and we need more of those going on!

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Claris - 11-10-2013

(11-08-2013, 11:02 AM)Magellan Wrote: There are 2800 members on this site. For the purpose of this discussion, lets just say 2000 of them rolled on Balmung. In any realistic town of that size, you'll be acquaintances with about 50, be friends with about 20, and know of about 100-200 (studies show the average facebook friend count is 150. But do you actually know all 150 of those people?)

And that's if you are an outgoing personality. For a lot of characters, it makes sense to only have a handful of friends ICly. To stay within what feels comfortable. IC rudeness, if it fits the character, is a non-issue.

OOCly, its a different story. A majority of people have rather diverse, yet generally specific tastes on RP, on everything from romance to combat, to how dark or humorous they like to keep things. It should come as no surprise that when you find people who share your taste, you tend to RP with them a lot, and develop rather involved interpersonal storylines. Its that progression of character that keeps people coming back, and you don't always get thet from random meetups.


I think the problem is that this is such an open-ended world with so many different storylines going on, that it's hard to include everyone. There is no single DM running a plot. There are multiple DMs - officers of FCs/LSes, the players - running their own storylines that may or may not mesh well with others' storylines.

As an example, over a month ago my character was involved in an FC storyline event in Limsa where HOLY CRAP MULTIPLE EXPLOSIONS AND MAGITEK AND EVERYTHING. While this is going on, other roleplayers not involved in this event are happily getting drunk on their ales at the Bismark. What gives? There's explosions afoot! C'mon people, get your swords! What gives is that there are essentially multiple universes going on that may or may not intersect with your own universe. If you want in, all you gotta do is ask!

As another example, I'm currently running my own storyline that involves a smattering of people. It branches out as the characters choose to involve other characters. It's their own choice whether they want to include the entire Free Company or not, or if they want to include outside help. This really all depends on the characters' personalities, motives, etc. Hell, some characters know the hooks but choose not to be involved. That's perfectly fine too! I'm planning on writing up a separate hook once a different FC storyline is "settled" - if I get the coolio from the officers. Will I post it up on RPC? We'll see. Too large a group makes me nervous.

As for events, I will be more than happy to run stories for people. Not huge MEET N' GREET events like I've seen, but rumors going around town or even personal storylines if people want outside help.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Naunet - 11-10-2013

(11-10-2013, 12:09 PM)Claris Wrote: As an example, over a month ago my character was involved in an FC storyline event in Limsa where HOLY CRAP MULTIPLE EXPLOSIONS AND MAGITEK AND EVERYTHING.    While this is going on, other roleplayers not involved in this event are happily getting drunk on their ales at the Bismark. 

Explosions in Limsa? @.@ That all sounds rather dramatic and something a citizen of the city-state should at least have overheard. Care to elaborate? Cause I had no idea anything had happened!

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Claris - 11-10-2013

(11-10-2013, 12:55 PM)Naunet Wrote: Explosions in Limsa? @.@ That all sounds rather dramatic and something a citizen of the city-state should at least have overheard. Care to elaborate? Cause I had no idea anything had happened!

This is precisely what I mean by some characters' universes not intersecting with others. Wink

Since it was just an FC + a few friends' event, this wasn't publically broadcast.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Ildur - 11-10-2013

I wouldn't be surprised if people ignored you due to those explosions. Making things explode, or really making any kind of very noisy public altercation, in a city with guards will receive a big eyebrow raise because the guards/military would come running to see what is happening. But such a thing is not supported by the game. People will brush it off as "Explosions? In the city? And no guards around? These people are just show offs starving for attention." and carry on with whatever is happening.

With that said, in my experience people in the taverns are there because they want to have 'socialization RP', so they will often ignore dramatic events even if they are less intrusive than explosions. I remember in another game a character of mine was dropped in front of a tavern, bleeding, and only two people decided to help/acknowledge her. One of them was part of my guild, so she didn't really count.

So, yeah: tavern RP, "thou shalt not interrupt it!", apparently.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Naunet - 11-10-2013

You also followed it up with, "If you want in, all you gotta do is ask!" But how do you expect people to ask if they have no idea something is going on?

I'm personally not a fan of "multiple universes". I try to keep my story as closely aligned with every other roleplayer's story as possible. If something big happens amongst one group - and by big, I mean something that by all accounts should have resulted in some kind of general gossip across a town or whatever, even if it's just "Hey, did you hear those strange noises? It sounded like explosions. The hell happened?" That's why I post 99% of the roleplay I do onto the forum, because you never know what might be a potential hook for another player, or even if someone just wants to pull on an event casually to keep the world they roleplay in feeling real.

(11-10-2013, 01:28 PM)Ildur Wrote: I remember in another game a character of mine was dropped in front of a tavern, bleeding, and only two people decided to help/acknowledge her. One of them was part of my guild, so she didn't really count.

To be fair, the community of that other game was horrible.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Clover - 11-10-2013

(11-10-2013, 01:32 PM)Naunet Wrote: I'm personally not a fan of "multiple universes". I try to keep my story as closely aligned with every other roleplayer's story as possible. If something big happens amongst one group - and by big, I mean something that by all accounts should have resulted in some kind of general gossip across a town or whatever, even if it's just "Hey, did you hear those strange noises? It sounded like explosions. The hell happened?" That's why I post 99% of the roleplay I do onto the forum, because you never know what might be a potential hook for another player, or even if someone just wants to pull on an event casually to keep the world they roleplay in feeling real.
This is why, a while ago, I proposed for some sort of a chronicle to be written in the forum, so that every player could be a part (either directly or indirectly) of a big, common plot. Sadly, it seems many people enjoy playing their own thing without others, so such an idea can't work in a big community like this one.

In this sense, I miss my Aion RP server. It was a private server with around 20 people connected in each side of the world. Everything that happened affected everyone. All the news were posted in the forum in case anyone missed them, and there we had some epic plots like whole regions being conquered by the enemy. I guess it's impossible to have that in an official game full of people, so perhaps that's why people prefer to create those plots in their personal linkshells.

RE: More Dynamic roleplay. - Naunet - 11-10-2013

(11-10-2013, 02:28 PM)Clover Wrote: This is why, a while ago, I proposed for some sort of a chronicle to be written in the forum, so that every player could be a part (either directly or indirectly) of a big, common plot. Sadly, it seems many people enjoy playing their own thing without others, so such an idea can't work in a big community like this one.

It's not quite the same, but I do know one thing that can help keep people "updated" on interesting happenings with plots. The Ravenholdt RP Sanctum, which I'm still very much a part of and continue to moderate even though I don't play WoW anymore, has a wonderful thread called the Ravenholdt Bulletin Board. It's meant as a place for people to post little snippets of RP - sometimes summarizing an event their character just experienced, or a glimpse into the aftermath of something, or just a little peek into the every day life of a character and their thoughts, or anything else that can be contained within a single post. It's something I read religiously to keep up with what was an extremely diverse RP community, and if I saw something interesting, I was then able to poke the players to learn more.

I think I'll write up a little something and get the ball rolling on a Balmung Bulletin Board. Smile