Hydaelyn Role-Players
Your character in 2013 - Printable Version

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RE: Your character in 2013 - Sahde Vhidgo - 12-28-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?
Y'lyfriel journeyed from Limsa Lominsa to the Twelveswood, marking the first time she has been away from La Noscea in her life. She was fleeing from something she has yet to tell anyone about, but lost much of her fear as she began to build a new life for herself, meet new people.

After befriending Rhesh'ir Zhwan, she dove headfirst into trouble that had hunted him down in Gridania. After rescuing Rhesh'ir from capture, she assisted in the tracking down and killing those responsible—a conjurer, Amelia, and a lancer, Sarrasin.

After, she and Rhesh'ir accompanied their quickly growing traveling party to Thanalan. After a minor pit-stop in the northron end of the desert, they trekked south towards U'ldah. In the deep desert, they were ambushed by a tempered Miqo'te tribe, and captured by the Amalj'aa. The primal, Ifrit, was summoned, and after a grueling fight, the party defeated it. Nearly beaten, and many badly wounded, the travelers continued on to Ul'dah.

New problems arose in Ul'dah. Lyf's dear friend, Rhesh'ir, is fearful of meeting a fate he's spent cycles hiding from, and she seeks fervently to remove the threat.

How has your character changed since the game (re)launch?
Lyf has moved away from the passivity of her past; since reaching the Twelveswood, she has actively pursued a path for herself, a purpose apart from what others want for her. She has taken up archery, and grown closer to her Miqo'te heritage—something far out of her reach, back in La Noscea. She's often caught devoting copious amounts of her own energy to solving others' problems.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
They are numerous—it's impossible to choose a single one. Rhesh'ir revealing fragments of his past to Y'lyfriel. The search for a wounded Tahla'li in the depths of the Shroud. The travelers crossing the desert, then doing battle with the Amalj'aa, Ifrit, his tempered Miqo'te. All of the RP has been fantastic; some of the very best I've had.

What was the most shocking RP moment of this year?
When Y'lyfriel shot Amelia in the throat with an arrow. She'd only taken up archery in the past moon, yet her willingness to take such swift, fatal action in defense of someone close to her shocked me.

What is the most surprising thing you discovered about your character?
That Lyf has a glimmer of leadership potential in her; previously, she's been a follower. Someone standing on the sideline of mostly minor events, attempting to make sense of the world around her (and generally overthinking every onze of information that comes to her.) Recently, she's been thinking fast, volunteering for dangerous work, and exhibiting bravery.

What relationships did your character build?
Numerous! She has grown quite close to Rhesh'ir Zhwan, and while she certainly regards him as a trustworthy friend, any further feelings have been confusing, frustrating to her. She's come to regard X'linwh Tia and Tahla'li Tayuun as strong companions, and through X'linwh, she's found some peace with her Sunseeker heritage—though she still has no strong desire to reunited with it.

Onuma Ahntifi and Lotan'to Jiub, too, have made a lasting impression on her. The bond between the Miqo'te couple inspires Y'lyfriel, and she seeks to remain as true to her companions as Onuma and Lotan'to remain to each other.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your character's growth and story?
I look forward to seeing Y'lyfriel make peace with her Miqo'te heritage. I hope that she might become both more introspective, and more willing to talk about herself. She spends so much energy attempting to navigate and learn the world around her, that her own troubles, her own feelings, are often left an unresolved mess. I would love to see her return to Limsa, carrying her new experiences and new friends back to place that's not as familiar as she remembers it.

Honestly, though, whatever trouble or pleasure she meets will be fun. I'm having a blast with the game, with my friends and fellow Rpers, and see only good things ahead.

RE: Your character in 2013 - ArmachiA - 12-28-2013

The relaunch question was for everyone, not just legacy I promise! Tongue I just worded it weird, I guess I should have said "Since you first started RPing them?" Next year will be easier, just go "From 2013" lolol.

Also I thought about the answers to my own questions.

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?

Armi -
Has taken a lot of punches for the team. Her enthusiastic nature and eagerness to try to new things made a lot of people like her and the Garleans took advantage of that a lot as first. A lot of our storylines tie into the Garleans shell the Night Blades help run, so there's been a lot of strife.

Before the Garleans made a mess of things, the Night Blades were trying to learn about Primals and how to not be tempered by them when fighting them as adventurer's - Armi decided to volunteer to be a test subject since she was trying to fit in and wanted to appear brave. This has yet to become a plot point though because we had to dig through lore to find a hand wave-y reason to be able to fight the Primals.

For the Garlean plotline - she was kidnapped by someone in the Night Blades who was actually Garlean, was saved - or was attempted to be saved - by Sindl Arahn of the Grim Echo who ended up losing the fight and getting kidnapped himself. Both characters were hurt pretty bad, both were found before anything serious happened to them. She was stabbed in the middle of the street by the main villain Fillion Fenias in his attempt to get away - he knew that stabbing her would be enough of a distraction to do so. She was later kidnapped again in an attempt to break Darien Cadell - who they drugged and had attack her, testing his rage issues with the drug, finding it successful then using it later in a different attack on someone else. She almost died by Darien's hands. She was recently involved in the story arch to usher in 2.1 where the Garleans tried to take out Mirielle and Siben. Been busy.

In nonplotline stuff - She made friends. She had never had friends due to her background and she managed to make them. She fell in love, she is loved. She is training to become a Paladin in order to protect people with her shield. She wrote a lot of songs, joined a band, danced at a ball. She's still finding herself. She has no idea who she is or what she wants.

Loki -
Loki is the driving force behind the Primal storyline, as her arcanist training is starting to pick up and she can hear voices in her head spurring her on. They're only whispers and they don't tell her anything important but they do cause headaches and she knows they are Primal related. The fact that, recently, they've been getting close to a solution to the tempering problem has her very, very happy.

In the Garlean storyline she has kept herself out of it on purpose - preferring to work from the background on solutions so she won't be seen. This is because her and Fillion have a nasty, violent history that has yet to be really revealed and only a few people know about it - leaving most people confused. Fillion likes to play games, but he refuses with Loki - he'll forgo games to just kill anyone around her who he deems as close to her. So, she has to keep her distance or instead of messing with everyone's heads he'll just destroy them all. All of her work has been in the background, studying at libraries

For non-story stuff - She's mostly stuck to herself, trying to regain old friendships she lost, though she has been working on a few new ones. Her and Siben are working on getting her a ship again so she can sail the high seas like she used to and she is working on making a magitek leg to replace her old metal one she currently uses and constantly needs a lot of work.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?

Armi -
Has changed a lot. She started as a shy, awkward girl who sang songs sometimes and had only been in one battle as an archer (Carteneau) with no friends except maybe her company leader Ellion - who had affection for her since she helped him out in 1.0. She hung out in the background and believed she did nothing but bother people. She would talk to inanimate objects because they would probably listen. She didn't get jokes and she was terrible at making them, though she was funny, unintentionally.

Actually... that's all still true, but now she had friends and she's a bit more confident in her awkwardness. So I guess she hasn't changed but she has?

Loki -
Has become a bit stand offish, due to Fillion making a mess of things. She's also become much more leader like, since Ellion gave her second in command. She is completely rational and logical and it quick to give everyone all the information. She's become the advice giver - in fact she constantly gives Armi advice - and she's okay with that. She's still a snarky bitch, though.

For you Legacy players, how is your character adjusting to the five year thing?
Neither one of my characters have adjusted to being thrown ahead in time, yet. And both of them are torn up about the fact everyone they knew forgot them. This effects Armi more - as she actually has a living family who now doesn't know who she is. She recently re-met her sister and it was heartbreaking.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
Armi - I tend to like funnier moments in RP, so anytime her friends try to get Armi to do something embarrassing because she doesn't UNDERSTAND how it's embarrassing is HILARIOUS. Getting her to put both feet behind her head, getting her to say things with obvious innuendo that isn't obvious to her, getting her to knock over lamps because they embarrassed her enough over the Linkshell.

If I had to pick something more serious... I would say... There was this RP session I did with Armi when Sindl was dragging her around from place to place to order to protect her from Fillion stabbings. She was tired of being a burden on him and she was going to leave, so he took her to Coerthas before she left because she was never seen the snow. That turned into an extremely significant RP session even though it wasn't supposed to be. I enjoy little surprises like that.

Oh! And when Darien, Armi, and Sindl baked cupcakes together. That was the cutest thing I've ever done in RP and, honestly, knowing the story behind it, I was like "God, finally, something good is happening with these three." because they are just surrounded by drama (I adore those three together).

Loki - When she tried to be a good friend and made Darien soup after he almost killed Armi. She gave it a shot.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
Armi - Armi's been stabbed three times. Every time it was not my decision.

Darien and Armi's friendship was really, really shocking to me. To put that in perspective, Darien is a cold blooded murderer who is a hitman for the Syndicate who dislikes and snarks at almost EVERYONE to get them to go away. Armi is a good person trying to find herself and wants to protect people, and she just wants friends and likes writing songs, making tea, and collecting ugly lamps. How did they become friends? Not even us, as players, really get it. Darien is everything dark in the world she dislikes, but they are super close in spite of that.

When Bob "died". Bob is her guitar. He had a whole backstory. He is dead, now. Lots of little pieces. I was upset for days over the loss of that guitar.

Loki - Fillion returning so soon, forcing her to go into the shadows. I was hoping to have a little more time before that happened XD.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
Armi -
She collects ugly lamps so even they will have a home.
Her feelings for Sindl came out of no where for me. Her and Sindl always got along, they understood each other really well, but it didn't really feel romance-y for a while. Though everyone and their dog questioned their relationship ICly.

Loki -
Despite her best objections, she really does want to help the Free Company succeed.

What relationships did your character build?
Armi -
Armi managed to get into the inner circle of Darien, Sindl, and X'havir - the three jailed amigos and considers them her closest friends. Currently, she and Sindl consider themselves boyfriend and girlfriend but it's a really complicated relationship since she has never been in one before and he's a Miqote who has never, ever considered being with a Hyur before and is unsure he wants to change over to a more traditional Hyur lifestyle. On top of that, Darien kind of puts a wedge in things since Armi and him, while close friends, also have feelings for each other. It's complicated. She doesn't know what to do and she's fairly sure she's doing everything wrong. And Armi, in turn, has drove a wedge between Darien and Sindl - who are/were best friends - inadvertently, that they are only just now repairing.
On a non-romantic thing, she has became friends with Siben - a man she didn't get along with in 1.0, become closer with Loki and Ellion (Who has become an almost father-like figure in her life), Become pretty decent friends with Stanzie, and has recently found her sister - who doesn't remember her due to 1.0 memory shenanigans. She also has a lot of people who like her, though she doesn't realize this at all.

Loki - Loki and Siben have grown closer and she had a fling with Darien at one point. She isn't as popular as Armi but she is becoming the go to girl to get advice from, because she is simply the most impartial. Ellion and her have grown a bit apart as of late, considering his romance with Lum Delume. Though Ellion and her have always been best friends, he's changing into something she doesn't recognize and it bothers her a little bit.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?

Armi - I look forward to continuing to see her find herself. Her navigating freedom of choice is so new and really interesting from an outsiders point of view. I hope she becomes stronger to make better decisions - currently some of the ones she's making are from a weak place. I wish good things for her - though I know my history with rp and that may not happen lolol.

Loki - It will be interested if she finally becomes a Summoner and can reconcile some of the loss she feels after the Calamity. She's the strong one currently, keeping everyone else floating with her rational thoughts and honest advice, but I expect her to crack soon. I would like her to be vulnerable for once and maybe feel something beyond little to no attachments to people. She's only attached to Ellion and it can be obvious sometimes.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Michikyou - 12-28-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?
In the Beginning Naih'ir was an open minded man who was very confused with a lot of outside world customs from his clan. His hatred for garleans was his common uniter to many of his friends. However he did - and still does not understand common ettiqute amoung some races.

However now he has become a bitter person. His hate for Hyur much based on his constant reminders of the horrendous acts they have done - namely his ex-friends who have hurt and betrayed females of his clan or his close female miqo'te friends. As Naih'ir respects women of his race - sun seeker or not. He finds it hard to see anyone who would wrong them in a good light.

However he has still continued to try and bring life back into the community - though to his dismay he feels they resent him - as he resents them.

For you Legacy players, how is your character adjusting to the five year thing?
Naih'ir had a horrible time during 1.0, He's enjyoing the sudden calm.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
That one time, Naih'ir got shit-faced drunk in a bar full of people who thought he was boring. He became the most talk about occurance all night. I believe he recieved word on his link pearl that someone was in need of healing.

He rose and stumbled from his chair, searching for the nearest exit only to ask Eustace - the Levemete NPC:
"EUSTACE! THEY'VE MOVED THE DOORS" It was a good moment.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
Finding out not one, but two Hyur friends had betrayed and cheated on thier current Miqo'te mates. He was furious!

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
His clear desire to mistrust essentially everyone.

What relationships did your character build?
Naih'ir made and lost many frineds in the passed few months.
His first friend was a Seeker of the sun - a woman named Elly who was mated with a Nunh, K'Athir. He grew close and realised he had developed feelings for ths woman. He told her of such but made no action to woo her. However his kindess was mistaken and his ignorance for the sensitivity of Seeker life lead to the 'hunt' of his hide via K'Athir.

Xao Ganajai - Naih's current mate. At first she was a female he accompanied through the regions as she studied her thaumaturgy. He needed to get away from K'Athir and used her as an excuse to leave the cities. Howver she was already romantic with others so he made no pursuits until one night he.. somehow (I dont even..) woo'd her, and she asked him to be her mate. He agreed and became fond of the woman.
Eventually she left her two othr romantic partners and her and Naih have been in an intimate relaitonship since and are expecting their first child.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?


RE: Your character in 2013 - Rinh Hallani - 12-28-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into? The guild plot has sent Rinh all over the place, from escorting an extremely annoying lalafell through the desert to destroying a giant crystal steeped in dark magic. She tried to purge a friend of an evil influence and ended up killing them; although they were revived later, her failure haunted her. She spent sleepless nights trying to help another friend with the strange visions he keeps having. Lots and lots going on.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch? Oh man. Rinh was meant to be extremely sharp, humourless and antisocial. Almost the kind of person no one would like to be around. But she's mellowed out a lot as the months have dragged on and even smiles sometimes!

What has been your favourite RP moment so far? When Naih'ir, a male whom her family had had some contact with in her childhood, gave Rinh a book that belonged to her deceased father. It was really poignant and touching. Rinh hasn't let the book leave her side since.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year? When she accidentally killed her friend, whilst trying to save her. It nearly killed Rinh herself too and, as I said, the failure drove her to anguish. Not only was she not as skilled as she liked to believe but her arrogance had cost someone their life. Thankfully the friend was revived but Rinh went to some dark places for awhile and it's tempered her ego a bit.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character? That she is actually a good person beneath her acerbic exterior. She tries so hard to keep people out and pretend she doesn't care, but she does, more than anyone could know. That wasn't how I planned her at all but I'm really happy with the results.

What relationships did your character build? Did they meet a new best friends or a bitter rival? Like I said, she's made a lot of friends. She'd probably hesitate to call them friends because that would involve showing some modicum of emotion, but her actions speak louder than words. There's also some people she doesn't get on with at all, but it's not gone so far as to call them a rival or enemy.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story? I have a plot I plan on starting next month where Rinh goes to the Shroud and has to see her clan again, and come to terms with her past. She had a terrible relationship with them so I think it's going to be pretty interesting.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Qhora Bajihri - 12-28-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?

He started off with mostly free company stuff. Then girls happened. Damn girls! But they're so pretty, and that way they move, them legs, and they smell so good... Where was I? And there were Garleans. Out of nowhere. Along with his Syndicate hitman, drug dealer, spree murderer, general agent of destruction lifestyle in the background.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?


That's all I have to say about that.

I kid. He was designed to be a bad guy. The introduction of bad guys to the bad guys kind of threw him into a hero role on occasion, which proceeded to make his head explodey. Then girls. Considering his head is explodey by design, things got a bit messy.

He tried leaving the free company to help himself get back on the uncomplicated easy track of life he'd been on, which has been a miserable failure. He does feel better being able to make his own decisions, but he still hasn't figured out what he's supposed to do about anything much at all.

He's had a couple important people die on him (NPCs), which for someone with only a short-term memory is unpleasant. Those things threw him for loops. (I actually had both those deaths of pre-established characters in his life happen when someone I knew IRL died to help give myself an excuse for my own instability bleeding into him, but he deals with it better than I do, which isn't saying much.)

He was a fairly unstable person who flopped between knowing exactly who he is and believing himself to be the broken ghost of another man. Now he's an extremely unstable person who flops between being okay with himself as an unforgiveable cold-hearted killer who protects himself with a spiky wall of snark and being determined to destroy the identity he built for himself so he can rebuild it as something that's a lot more helpful to the few people who matter to him, before they go and die on him, like they keep doing.

Despite having lived through the war, he hasn't really lived through a war, so losing people who matter keeps hitting him hard. That and people haven't really mattered to him in general until recently. Living as a hitman is a lot easier to do when you don't give a damn about anybody.

I'm still not sure where all these chips are going to fall. Or maybe they'll just stay in the air forever and he'll end up one of those mental cases in desperate need of a straightjacket so he stops hurting himself.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?

I don't want to pick just one. I liked when Darien got his face punched for being a horndog. I liked when Armi tried to help him and he watched Armi sleep (completely unhorndog) so she would feel safe before any of the subsequent craziness even happened.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?

Armi/Darien happening at all. She was ridiculously genuine and showed a subtle genius when he first met her and she was talking to a lamppost (yep), and that hooked him right out of the gate. He got protective of her pretty quickly, so she never really got to see his psychopathy in a clear and violent way. Add to that his intense guilt about hurting her, and certain other disenchantments due to Garleans, and the relationship seems like a slow inevitability in retrospect. But it could just as easily have never ever happened, and I can't even imagine how the past few months would have gone without it.

That and actually falling for her. He is (was?) a bit of a player, so he'd drop the 'love' four letter word with relative ease. But it wasn't until he actually got jealous that he realized his player's handbook rules were no longer applying properly.

Getting kidnapped. What?

Getting propositioned by Garleans? Even less expected, though more in line with his personality.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?

How much of a mess he really is, I guess. I thought I'd over-plotted him in the time between betas and launch, but when he got into the game, he just ran away from me completely. The only core concept he's really holding onto is his memory loss. Everything else is constant flux.

How genuine he can be. He was initially very shallow as a sort of protection against his memory loss. He could be prodded into genuine-ness when discussing the particular subject of his amnesia, but when he started confusing the hell out of himself, he ended up pulling out the real, true honesty card more often than not.

What relationships did your character build?

His old best friendship is now a complete mess. They go back and forth between sharing jokes over coffee and screaming in full out rage at each other in the space of a few hours. It's sort of on the mend? Sort of? There's more civil discussion and less screaming now anyway, and some bro hugs.

He's got lots of little friendships he didn't have before.

And then there's Armi. Which is just crazy town in messy land.

He's still technically out of the FC and I'm not sure where that's gonna end up, considering above mentioned best friendship is the crux on which his giving a damn about the FC hinges, but that technicality does skew his less close relationships in a weird way.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?

I know Armi's plaaaans. So he'll probably go off the deep end in one way or another. He could either go full on hero mode or jump ship and head for the Empire. To be honest, I have no idea. He's a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in coliseum gear right now. I'm looking forward to figuring out what the hell he's gonna do next. It's like waiting for the next episode in the series. Except I'm the writer. And I'm not exactly stable either.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Rosekitten - 12-28-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?
Oddly not too much considering I've had a rough spell getting into rp's and seem to mainly just rp with the same 2-3 people. Organization hopping is one of the characters adventures though, from being a wip sky pirate to a secret knight organization and now more recently a mercenary. The character hasn't found her true place to call home just yet I don't think.
For a while the character was hiding who she was even from those she was around more often then not, a fear form her past still eating at her to not show her true gender. When this was exposed it seemed to go over fairly well to her surprise. There was a number of other small events but most of them I have posted on the characters lodestone and I'm not awake enough to type them all out.

As of the present the character is mainly (ic anyway) found in the limsa area or out fishing somewhere. Ending up in the care of a young drake that eats far more then all of her side jobs and crafting can provide for.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?
Hrm.. character wise i think about the same, she hasn't changed minus in looks. To admit I wasn't expecting the whole female twist thing but it's played out really well with how I went about it and given the character hasn't interacted with more then a handful of people. If anything she's become a bit more social in being attached to the group she id around more often then not.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
This is a tough question... I dunno I have to admit my favorite rp session I had was when a little lalafell talked my character into giving her a piggyback ride to Uldah from the Coffer. Giving the character the nickname of Eggbert and saying that she saw a lady tell a sailor at the docks he could ride her if he paid. Of course a whole nothing meaning but the character literally had to face palm to express true thoughts on how innocent or blind the lalafell was to the real world. The two parted ways at Ul'dah with the advice to not take gil from strangers and to avoid certain streets in the city.

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
Probably all the free company jumping.. I was planning to be in a stable company bu that didn't happen. I had to adjust my character a few times to ic leave or deal with a company disbanding. 

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
Probably the whole being a female the whole time. I never once planned that, but to get my husband off my back I rolled with it. I miss the character being male to be honest but it's the same character as a female so it's not that huge of a deal to me.

What relationships did your character build? 
Hrm.. probably more of a family relationship then anything. She became rather close with a young Miq'ote that she had met in her past when she was very young. Given the girl lost her sibling some time back and that my character is distant to her own family the two are as close to family as they can get.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?
I'd like to say more friendships to be honest, from switching to female i had to block a number of my old rp buddies... for reasons... I'm all for a relationship but there are limits an a ways to go about such a thing as well. I'd like to just see the character get out more in the long run.

RE: Your character in 2013 - Kieron Lohengrin - 12-28-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?

Mostly IC dungeons or overworld RP outside of towns. Some out-of-game character development through Skype and forum scenes, such as the one with Clover. Then there was that one time he fell out of an airship to help Lutra and Xerali's chars punch Ifrit in the jeans.

How has your character changed since the game re-launch?

went from pummeling innocent furry wildlife

[Image: Pg8KSZQ.jpg]

to pummeling giants

[Image: yJ8tKio.jpg]

so i guess that's character development. kinda. sorta. probly

For you Legacy players, how is your character adjusting to the five year thing?

Didn't play 1.0, but in his backstory he was at Cartenau. Without spoiling too much, he survived the big kablooey, didn't timeskip, spent the first month a seething ball of hatred and bitterness and pain for it, then spent the next five years getting over it. By punching things. And going 'om' a lot. And spending time with his family.

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?

Receiving a confession of love from a friend's miqo'te, whom he's mentoring in the martial arts. It was adorable.

Then he turned her down afterward. s-senpai no baka :c

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?

finding out there's always room for jello. gasp

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?

I've been trying to play him as a Kenshiro / Toki expy so I'm always surprised when people PM me to mention how bishie he supposedly is. D: I think it's the hair.

What relationships did your character build?

Frands! A bunch. The aforementioned would've-been love interest that he shot down. A rival-in-training who wants a rematch. A few allies from a couple of rescue-type RPs.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your character's growth and story?

Finding a group to run Coil IC with. RPing with more people in the Rising Stones and Seventh Heaven. Got a proposal from some Garlean RPers for them to try and hunt him down and enslave him again for the Empire, so maybe that'll happen.

RE: Your character in 2013 - cuideag - 12-28-2013

What kind of stories has your character gotten into?
Jajara's personal story hasn't seen much growth but she has gotten involved in several points of her free company's story and, on occasion, acted as support in plots for other people. With her company she went from being sort of the earnest and awkward "intern" almost to an actual leader figure, however brief that was. They've gone on investigations involving what was thought to have been a rival company distributing poisoned food and supplies to people, infiltrated what was thought to have been a Garlean outpost from whence said poisoned junk was coming from, and helped wreck the heck out of some sort of magiteck? golem thing that was hell bent on killing her company mates.

For the most part, though, she's not one to step out into the forefront and OOC I prefer the smaller moments more so than the over-arcing plots. Of those, Jajara has had plenty: epiphanies and confessions, tears and private jokes. That's what I love the most out of RP!

What has been your favorite RP moment so far?
Truth or dare at a company mate's birthday party. A fellow lady lalafell picked dare and, well, she was made to give poor sweet Jajara a smooch right in front of everybody!

That or possibly a wonderful tag team beat-em-up moment with Swyrbhrat. They were attempting to infiltrate the above mentioned outpost when she and Swyrbhrat snuck around the backside of a building to distract a second patrol that was heading towards the main group. Turns out, Roegadyn make wonderful spring boards and lalafell pugilists to the face can hurt pretty bad!

What was the most shocking RP moment this year?
Jajara, as a rule, does not cry. Not ever! But she went through a very rough patch between losing her very best friend, being utterly confused and overwhelmed with feelings towards a certain someone, and thoughts of uselessness and failure towards the company she worked for and a very dear friend finally managed to get her to break down.

What was the most surprising thing you found out about your character?
That for all that cheer and enthusiasm and affability she puts out, her sense of self confidence and self worth are actually very fragile. Of course some of this plays out of her personal history and the conditions in which she was raised, but she never really got over those insecurities even now as an adult.

What relationships did your character build?
Despite the severe culture shock of going from practically isolated in the middle of the Sagolii to out in the world with all sorts of people, Jajara has done very well to make all manner of friends! From fellow lalafell to hulking Roegadyn, Jajara considers herself quite blessed to have been able to meet and befriend a surprisingly number of friends and allies. Fellow merchants, mercenaries, even fugitives of rather questionable nature. Most surprising to her, though, is that she's fallen in love and had that love reciprocated.

What are you looking most forward to seeing in the future with your characters growth and story?
She has a lot of hang-ups from her life in the desert and someday she intends to confront and ultimately sever her ties so she might move forward with a clear conscience. A recent conversation with Gharen has motivated her to take up her training again and so she's pledged to herself to never be content with sitting on the sidelines ("playing merchant" as she put it) while her friends and loved ones are out getting into all sorts of trouble.